ヨハネ 5:19 そこで、イエスは彼らに答えて言われた。「まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。子は、父がしておられることを見て行う以外には、自分から何事も行うことができません。父がなさることは何でも、子も同様に行うのです。」
When Jesus didn't do anything on His own, but only what He saw the Father doing, how much more should that be true of us! We need to be asking ourselves continually, what is God doing here, and then seek to get with that program, rather than run around cooking up things to do for God. In the Church worldwide, there is a very great deal of misguided waste from people who are trying to do things for God without really consulting Him as to what He is doing. They may be completely honest and sincere in their desire to serve God, but their efforts are nonetheless self-centered. We tend to reverse the order of William Carey's famous quote: “Expect great things of God. Attempt great things for God.” Carey looked to God first, and then put his all into following the vision God gave him. We tend to dream something up, invest time and energy in it, and then wonder why God doesn't do anything with it!
父のしておられることを見て行う以外に、イエスは御自分からは何もな行っていないのですが、私たちもそうあるべきでしょう。神が何をなさっているのか、自分に常に問い続け、神の御計画を求めましょう。無為な早計さは良くありません。世界中の教会では、神の御意志を問うことをせずに、神のために何かをやろうとして無駄に終わる人が多くいますが、間違った指導からです。彼らは心から誠実で真剣に神に仕えたいと望んでいるのでしょうが、やはり彼らの思いは自己中心的です。William Careyの有名な「多いなることを神に期待しよう。大きなことを神に行おう」と言う言葉があります。Careyは、神を第一に求め、それから神に頂いたビジョンにそって努力をせよ、と教えているのです。夢を持ち、そのために時間と労力を費やしますが、神が何もして下さらないと訝るのです。
This is certainly personal! I've lost count of how many times I've gotten the cart before the horse and wasted time and energy. The burnout that produces is doubly dangerous, because it tends to make us not expect things of God. I need to look at what God is doing and ask Him where He's headed with it, so that I won't lag behind or go off on a tangent. Tomorrow's message, springing from yesterday's devotion, is certainly exciting, but if I think that I can do anything at all just on my own, I am severely deceived! I need to redouble my efforts to listen, hear, and obey. Only then will His works be done through me.
Father, thank You for this very timely reminder, before I deliver the message tomorrow. I ask You to guard my words to prevent misunderstanding. I ask You to give us all hearing ears to receive what You are saying and apply it, so that Your purposes may be accomplished in and through us, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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