

ヨハネ 3:34 「神がお遣わしになった方は、神のことばを話される。神が御霊を無限に与えられるからである。」

John the Baptist spoke these words about Jesus, certainly, but since Jesus' resurrection they have much broader application. In that locked upper room where Jesus was assuring His disciples that He really had come back to physical as well as spiritual life, He said, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. Then He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22) In that context, this verse applies to every believer, to the degree that they accept God's commission. That kind of statement tends to either give people delusions of grandeur or scare them witless, but if we will keep our eyes on God, it should give us great boldness. The Bible is very clear that God has spoken through human vessels down through the ages. In fact, that's what the Bible is! What is different now is that since Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is poured out on all believers who will receive Him, and that is the same Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus. We need to accept that God wants to use us and make ourselves available to Him.


I accepted God's commission years ago, and the way has not been easy. That shouldn't surprise me, because Jesus' life was hardly easy! However, the majority of my problems have come from my failure to be submitted totally to God the way Jesus was. I have had people misunderstand my position, thinking that I am putting myself on the level of Jesus, when that is hardly the case. Jesus is the Son of God, part of the Trinity, but I am a child of God, and God delights to empower and use His children. I do speak what God is saying, but I must filter everything through the Bible, because I am not immune to deception. The specifics of my commission involve equipping the saints for the work of ministry. (Ephesians 4:12) If I'm trying to do it all, I'm not being faithful to my commission! I need to seek to open the believers' eyes to what God has done for them, is doing in them, and wants to do through them, so that together we may fulfill God's plans for His glory.


Father, thank You for this reminder. Give me the right words, the right outline, illustrations and anointing, to communicate it to the believers so that they may receive it and rejoice. You told me years ago that when the believers of Japan wake up to who they are in Christ, not only Japan but the whole world will be impacted for and by Your kingdom. I pray that this church would be mightily used as a catalyst to do exactly that, opening the eyes of believers across this city, this prefecture and this nation, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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