

ローマ 15:7 こういうわけですから、キリストが神の栄光のために、私たちを受け入れてくださったように、あな たがたも互いに受け入れなさい。

The English gives the impression that it is our accepting that gives glory to God, while the Japanese leans toward it being Christ's accepting us that gives God glory. I would imagine that the Greek construction could be applied either way, because God is glorified when His character is revealed, and that applies in either case. This verse reminds me of Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son. A big part of our problem in being obedient to this verse lies in our failing to grasp just how many barriers got torn down for Christ to be able to accept us. When we get a handle on that, we understand just how minor and petty the various objections we have to accepting others really are. At the same time, we need to remember that whereas God accepts us as we are, He doesn't leave us as we are. We are to accept one another, but that doesn't mean we are to place some sort of stamp of approval on attitudes and lifestyles that mock God. This is a huge issue in the current big fuss over homosexuality. Some Christians don't get it right, condemning the person along with the behavior, and militant homosexuals demand acceptance of their behavior and refuse fellowship on any other terms. This sort of challenge should help us see how minor most of the issues that trip us up really are!


Acceptance has been a major issue all of my life, growing up as a Caucasian missionary kid in Japan, attending a U.S. military dependents school. I've felt more kinds of rejection that I could list! That made me want to not need other people, but I realize that is a false hope, because we are created as social beings. I need to allow the rejection I have felt cause me to be sensitive to others, accepting them without accepting their sin. I find I have the most trouble with people who are quick to reject others on given issues, even if I am not being rejected. Points of theology are hardly unimportant, but they should not be barriers to fellowship! I have very strong disagreement with, for example, Catholic theology on prayer (to saints, etc.), but I am far closer to any Catholic than I am to any Buddhist or atheist!


Father, thank You for Your grace toward me. That's what this verse is all about. Help me indeed be a transmitter of that grace to all I encounter, even the ones who seem less than gracious. Help me not only accept people without condoning their sin, but also lead the believers to do the same. May we be a church that is marked by acceptance indeed, as You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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