

ヨハネ 8:43 「あなたがたは、なぜわたしの話していることばがわからないのでしょう。それは、あなたがたがわたしのことばに耳を傾けることができないからです。」

Everyone experiences this to some degree at some time. Verbal communication certainly depends on accurate hearing. However, Jesus isn't talking here about physical hearing, but about the intellectual/ emotional/spiritual framework to receive what is being said. Parents and child care workers experience this all the time, when they say things to children that, to an adult, should be very simple and easy to follow, but the child hears only sounds, not meaning. That is a natural part of the growing/maturing process, and children aren't to be punished for it (though they sometimes are). When punishment is appropriate, however, is when they are willful in their “misunderstanding,” pretending not to grasp instructions that don't meet with their approval at the moment. Discerning the difference is a valuable but sometimes difficult part of parenting.


As a pastor and spiritual parent I encounter this all the time. All too often I discover that those to whom I have been speaking have no foundation to receive and understand my words, so nothing penetrates. That's a hard thing for me to grasp emotionally, because as one with Teacher gifting (Romans 12), my natural attitude is that once the Truth is stated, that should be sufficient to produce results. It has been a long and painful road for me to learn that is seldom the case. However, just as in raising natural children, spiritual children also have a tendency to close their ears to what they don't want to hear. If anything, they are more prone to do so than physical children! I am not to hesitate to correct and admonish, but I must do so with all love and understanding. I've been there too! I need to remember how patient God has had to be with me, and extend that same grace to them.


Father, thank You for all You are doing here, in me and in the flock. I was blown out of the water by two powerful testimonies in the service yesterday. It is so encouraging when the believers speak Your Word out publicly like that! Just as You had me point out in yesterday's message, those who are sent by God speak God's words! Thank You for those You have sent here to this church, and those You will continue to send. Thank You for sending us out to the world around us. May we all be bold to trust You rather than ourselves, working Your works rather than our own, sticking to Your schedule rather than any other, so that Your kingdom may indeed be manifested in this place, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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