

ヨハネ 19:30 イエスは、酸いぶどう酒を受けられると、「完了した」と言われた。そして、頭をたれて、霊をお渡しになった。

This extremely moving scene brings to mind Jesus' own words, when He said, “No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (John 10:18) Throughout His crucifixion, Jesus was in control in a very real sense. Had He not submitted voluntarily, no one could have done anything to Him. However, as He again said, this was why He had come to the earth. (John 12:27) Jesus was and is the ultimate example of love, for the Father and for us, because He was absolutely obedient to the Father and He laid His life down for us. We often fail to grasp the magnitude of what Jesus did, because we have so little frame of reference for it. We have never been in infinite perfection in heaven, and then chosen to accept limitation, degradation, suffering and death for the sake of those who don't deserve such a sacrifice on their behalf. Writers from Isaiah to Paul expressed it in the best words they could, but no words could express it fully. It takes a revelation of the Holy Spirit to grasp it, and even then we can hardly understand what we have been shown. God is love, and the ultimate expression of that is the incarnation, life, suffering, and death of His Son. It took the resurrection to help the disciples understand what had really happened, and then the rest of their lives to allow that reality to soak into them.

大変感銘を呼ぶシーンですが、イエスは御自分の語られた「誰も私からいのちを取った者はいません。私が自分からいのちを捨てるのです。」(ヨハネ 10:18)の言葉を思い出しておられます。十字架上でイエスはとても現実的な感覚にありました。もしイエスが進んで捧げていなかったなら、誰もイエスに何もできなかったことでしょう。しかし、イエスはまた、なぜイエスがこの地上に現れたのかを再び語っています。(ヨハネ12:27)イエスは御父と私達に愛を示す究極の手本でしたし、今もそうです。なぜならイエスは御父に完全に従い、私たちのために命を差し出したからです。イエスのなさったことのあまりの偉大さを私たちは、しばしば理解できません。完全に人の理解を超えた行為だからです。私たちは天にある永遠の完全性を経験したことがありません。そのため有限、堕落、苦しみ、死をそうした犠牲に値しない人のために受け入れています。イザヤからパウロに至るまでの作者はできる限りの最高の表現でそのことを表現していますが、どんな描写を持ってしても不十分です。理解するためには聖霊による啓示が必要で、それでもなお、示されたことの殆どを理解できないでしょう。神は愛であり、その究極が御子の命、苦悩、死によって表現されているのです。何が起こったかを弟子たちが分かったのは復活があったからです。そして彼らは残りの生で現実を神あるものへと受け入れていきました。

I am at no special advantage when it comes to grasping this point, because human intellect alone can't do it. Like every other believer, I need to meditate on the reality of the incarnation and crucifixion of the Lord of Glory in order to let the Holy Spirit illuminate it for me, opening the eyes of my heart to see and appreciate it. The movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” was a magnificent tool for this purpose, but the life of the director since it was produced shows that he didn't let it sink into his own spirit. I must not make that mistake, preaching to others without appropriating the truth myself. I need to let the Holy Spirit remind me of it as often as necessary, so that I may walk in full submission and obedience to God, standing firm against the devil at all times and in every area. I have desired to be as obedient as Jesus was. I should not let go of that goal, but allow the Holy Spirit to work it in and through me.


Father, the past several Sundays the message has been building, as You had me point out yesterday, and it's a message of obedience. Help me live it out in every area of my life, grasping the enormity of what You have done for me and responding with total gratitude and obedience. You deserve nothing less! May I be an example and an encouragement to the believers, so that together we may be fully useful in Your hands, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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