ヨハネ 12:26 「わたしに仕えるというのなら、その人はわたしについて来なさい。わたしがいる所に、わたしに仕える者もいるべきです。もしわたしに仕えるなら、父はその人に報いてくださいます。」
Some people say they want to serve God, but they aren't willing to go where He goes. Even Peter had trouble there. The first time he failed, saying that he didn't know Jesus, rather than risk being crucified with Him. The second time, he got the message and went into the home of a Gentile to tell him the Gospel. But then later he still had problems, and had to be rebuked by Paul for withdrawing from Gentile believers for fear of the opinion of Jewish believers. This is not a decision that, once made, never wavers. Rather, this is a commitment that calls for renewal on a daily basis. That commitment becomes easier when we really grasp where it ends up: at the throne of God. Jesus never said that following Him would be easy; quite the opposite, in fact. However, the “retirement benefits” are indeed the ultimate best! Just yesterday I had email from two retired missionaries who are facing imminent death, and the peace and joy that are expressed make it clear that in the long run, God's servants have it best. It doesn't take being a missionary to receive God's accolade of “Well done, good and faithful servant,” but it does take willingness to follow wherever He leads.
Someone looking at me, particularly from America, might automatically put me in the good group here. After all, I'm a missionary pastor! However, I am sharply aware that I am no better that Peter, certainly, and I've got to keep my commitment current. As Jesus said to His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. My flesh gets in the way all too often, occasionally physically but much more often emotionally. I get tied in knots and fail to be an accurate representative of Christ. As each situation confronts me, I need to be clear in my commitment to follow and serve Christ, whatever that means. Like Paul said, I need to keep my eye on the prize and not settle for anything less, like my “comfort zone.”
Father, right now I'm in a turmoil I didn't expect. I really didn't know that preparing for a 1-man photo show would tie me in knots like this. My biggest problem has been in elimination; I don't know when to stop and how to pare down to the best. I've got too much material, and I'm drowning in it! I ask for clear guidance, even at this point. May I hear You and be obedient, not just in what to exhibit and how, but in every other detail as well. My emotional turmoil has been hard on Cathy, particularly when she has health problems. I ask Your healing, strength, peace, and joy for her. May I indeed focus on You rather than on what I see as problems, so that I may be Your agent to each person and situation I'm involved with, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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