

2 Timothy 1:6 それですから、私はあなたに注意したいのです。私の按手をもってあなたのうちに与えられた神の賜物を、再び燃え立たせてください。

God's gifts aren't passive, and they aren't meant to be kept on a shelf. God always gives His gifts with the purpose of building up the Body of Christ and bringing Him glory, so if they aren't used in that way He is certainly not pleased. One of Jesus' more severe parables is that of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), from which English gets the very word, talent. In that, the person who failed to use what was entrusted to him, out of fear or whatever other reason, was punished rather severely. Exercising the gifts God has placed in us can be risky in various ways, but that makes them opportunities for growth in faith and obedience. Using the gifts we've been given in obedience to God gives richness and meaning to life that can be had no other way, but it requires the choice to do so.


Passages on gifts produce a wide variety of responses, because there are such a wide variety of gifts, and different people may have more or less, just as in Jesus' parable. Each person needs to be willing to put in the hard work that is required to be a good steward of the gifts that have been entrusted to them. At the same time, those in leadership need to be encouraging each of the believers in their gifts, giving them opportunities to exercise them and not squelching them by insisting that things be done a particular way.


Father, help us be faithful. We have difficulty prioritizing our time accurately, and we need Your help. We are often at a loss as to what to do next, yet there are needs crying out all around us. Help us understand Your plan for each of us, as opposed to Your general plan for the area or the world, so that we will know how to fit in and exercise the gifts You have placed in us. Timidity might be a problem for some, but fear of hard work or fear of failure might be problems for others. Help us trust You and apply ourselves fully, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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