ヘブル 3:18-19 また、わたしの安息に入らせないと神が誓われたのは、ほかでもない、従おうとしなかった人たちのことではありませんか。それゆえ、彼らが安息に入らなかったのは、不信仰のためであったことがわかります。
The Bible has a number of passages that seem severe to us, and this is one of them. However, it's pretty hard to argue with, because it's simply explaining the historical record. What stands out to me is the close connection between disobedience and unbelief. A majority of disobedience toward God comes from unbelief. We either don't believe God really said or meant whatever it is that we are disobeying, or we don't believe that God's way really is best for us, which includes not believing we will suffer the consequences of our disobedience. The thing about this passage that should be most alarming to Christians is that the people it is talking about were already “saved,” that is, they had come out of Egypt. However, their unbelief kept them from being able to enter into the promised land of fruitfulness and rest that God had prepared for them. Unbelief and consequent disobedience keep a sad majority of Christians from the life of victory, peace, joy, and fruitfulness that God intends for them.
I'm certainly not an expert here, but I'm learning! Many times I have experienced the fundamental reality that believing, trusting obedience is the way to blessing, but I have also lost more peace and blessing over unbelief than I care to think about! I have experienced burn-out and a host of other problems that would have been completely unnecessary if I had really trusted and obeyed God. Failure to trust produces anxiety, first of all, but then it causes us to try to figure out our own way to do something, since we don't believe God is going to follow through. That's the kind of thinking that produced Ishmael, and Abraham's descendants have been suffering the consequences for thousands of years since.
As a pastor, I not only need to maintain my own trusting obedience, I need to encourage the believers to do likewise. Sermons are one way I can do that, but example and personal conversations are equally important. As the Bible says repeatedly, I need to instruct, encourage, admonish and correct, so that we may avoid the traps of the devil and walk in all that God intends for us.
Father, thank You for all You are doing here. Thank You that Your plans are for good and not evil, blessing and not harm, fruitfulness and not barrenness. Thank You for calling me to repentance for listening to negative voices. Help me be more and more tuned to hear what You are saying, with a heart that is quick to obey, so that all of Your plans and purposes may be accomplished for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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