

出エジプト記 20:20 そこでモーセは民に言った。「恐れてはいけません。神が来られたのはあなたがたを試みるためです。また、あなたがたに神への恐れを生じて、あなたがたが罪を犯さないためです。」

It is unfortunate that here (in the Japanese), where there is such an opportunity to use the two different characters for “fear,” that this translation just uses the one. Moses is obviously talking about two different kinds of fear. God does not want us to be so scared of Him that we hide from Him, but He knows that a healthy respect and deep honor toward Him are essential in keeping us from sin. His motive in desiring to keep us from sin is love, mentioned in verse 6. This Japanese translation uses “love” in speaking of how we are to be toward God, but it uses “grace” in expressing how God responds to us. There is truth in that, but a NT understanding of agape love would make it desirable to use “love” in both directions. God does not give us rules to be mean to us or to restrict us needlessly; He desires our greatest good, and gives us guidelines in how to achieve that.


Being raised as I was, I've never had much terror of God, but then I haven't always had the respect and honor toward Him that I should have had, either. Never having doubted my parents' love for me, it has been easy to believe that God loves me as well. However, just as I failed to be consistently obedient to my parents as a child, I have certainly been less than consistent in my obedience toward God. I need to demonstrate the respect and honor that are due to God, both because He is worthy and that is the best thing for me, and because people look to me as an example of how they are to relate to God. I need to demonstrate intimacy with respect, love with honor, because that is what God has designed us for and it is the greatest of blessings.


Father, help me have the right kind of fear of You and lead others to do the same. Help me walk in the strictest obedience, not out of a fear of punishment but out of love, because You are certainly worthy of nothing less. Help me communicate Your love to as many people as possible, so that they too may fear and love You, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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