

詩篇 119:133 あなたのみことばによって、私の歩みを確かにし、どんな罪にも私を支配させないでください。

The writer of this Psalm obviously loved the Bible very deeply, and that love gave him a grasp of the value of the Bible in our lives. It is indeed the best, really the only, guidebook by which we may plan our lives, because it tells us why we were created, where we are headed, and how to live in the mean time. When we fail to appreciate the Bible for what it is, we fail to take it in and receive its benefits. A very major benefit is liberation from the rule of sin. Of course it is the cross of Christ that sets us free from sin, but it is the Bible that tells us about it and how to apply it in practical terms. Likewise, it is the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives that enables us to walk in all of God's good purposes for us, but He uses the Word because He is in total harmony with it. After all, He is the Author! We all tend to have particular sins that seem hard to shake off, and they are different for each person. However, as verse 11 of this same Psalm says, building up a store of God's Word in our hearts, and not just in our heads, will indeed keep us from sin. The operation of the Word and the Spirit are closely intertwined, because as it says in 2 Corinthians 3:17, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom; we are not under the rule of sin.


It has been said that I am addicted to the Bible, and I hope that's true! However, if I fail to apply it in every area of my life, it does me little good. Success in my life depends on the degree to which I allow the Holy Spirit to work the Word into me and through me, so that I live it and breathe it. I desire to have sharp hearing when it comes to hearing God's voice, but I must not overlook what He has already had recorded as Scripture. Guidelines for virtually every situation are pretty clear in the Bible, if I have the heart to perceive them. As a pastor, I am charged with expressing those guidelines to my flock. I must not give an “independent interpretation,” as Peter puts it (2 Peter 1:20), but seek and allow the Holy Spirit to express God's heart in and through me without distortion.


Father, thank You for Your kindness and faithfulness in causing the Bible to be written. Thank You for speaking to and guiding the various writers and editors throughout the process. Help me indeed use and apply the Bible as You desire and intend, so that I may recognize and avoid the devil's traps, enabling me to walk in Your holiness, purity and power, and lead others to do the same, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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