

詩篇 119:165-166 あなたのみおしえを愛する者には豊かな平和があり、つまずきがありません。私はあなたの救いを待ち望んでいます。主よ。私はあなたの仰せを行っています。

Not knowing Hebrew, I can't quibble over the various near synonyms used by different translation for the central theme of this Psalm. (In verse 165 the English says “law” where the Japanese says “teachings” and in verse 166 the English says “commands” where the Japanese says “pronouncements.”) All of them refer to the Word of the Lord, and we need to understand that can take many forms. The point in verse 165 is that loving God's Word has enormous benefits. However, verse 166 helps us understand just what “loving” means in this context. Some people love the Bible like a sacred religious symbol. (That's the way most Muslims seem to feel about the Koran.) Some of them treat it with such “reverence” that they hardly ever open it! However that way of thinking doesn't provide much peace and it certainly doesn't keep anyone from stumbling. We have to take the Word in and let it be written on our hearts for it to provide its full benefits, and verse 166 is talking about how to do that. We have to wait in hope for God's salvation, which is to say, we have to believe what He has said. The Bible is essentially worthless if we refuse to believe it! However, abstract faith is also inadequate by itself. As Jesus Himself stressed (and also John and James in their letters) we've got to do what God says for it to have its full impact in our lives. Faith that doesn't follow through is just window dressing. If we really love the Word of God we will be obedient to it.


I don't know how many times I've ever preached on Psalm 119, but it's not very many! However, this truth is rich and fresh and strong, fit to be applied in my life and in the lives of my hearers. Knowing the Word without doing it has long been a trap for me. If I am truly addicted to the Word, I'd better be doing it! If I have had such trouble in this area, then I should have patience and mercy toward others with the same struggle. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not to exhort everyone to be obedient to the Word, because living it out brings peace, victory, and great assurance.


Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Keep me from being an “ivory tower” preacher. Help me communicate Your love and compassion to my hearers, not just with words but with actions. Help me love Your Word enough to do it, in the hard times and not just in the easy times. Help me be a source of encouragement and strength to the flock, not a source of criticism and judgment. Help me invest in them as You have invested in me, so that the Body of Christ may be built up for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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