箴言 12:4 しっかりした妻は夫の冠。
Few things show the decay of society as clearly as the degradation of marriage. God intends a husband and wife to complement (and compliment!) each other. As Genesis 2 indicates, the husband is incomplete without the wife, and vice versa. People sometimes speak of a “trophy wife,” generally meaning a particular beauty and/or one who brings money into the marriage, but such external factors have little to do with the true value of a wife. The English for this verse mentions “noble character,” but the Japanese simply says “solid,” implying sensible and productive. Physical beauty and finances alike are transient, but such values as this verse is talking about last through life and beyond. Sad to say, many men fail to look for such things in choosing a mate, and society teaches women not to value these qualities either.
I can't say that my thinking in this area was entirely clear 41 years ago, but I feel I had much better judgment than most men, and I know I was incredibly blessed by God. My wife has continued to grow in all the areas that matter, adding ability to ability and blessing me in more ways than I can count. At times I am sharply aware that I could not be who I am, doing what I do, without her. We are a unit, and that's the way God planned it. People respond to us in various ways, and particularly in Japanese society it is with a good bit of incredulity: they don't think we could be real. When they discover over time that we are indeed sweethearts as well as best friends and partners even after 41 years, sometimes the reaction turns to jealousy. We can't govern people's response to us, but we can continue to demonstrate what is possible in marriage. As I tell couples in counseling before I perform their weddings, marriage is one of God's greatest blessings to mankind, but they would hardly know it from looking at most of the marriages around them. My wife and I need to function as an example, giving hope and a goal to people who would be milling around rather aimlessly otherwise.
Father, thank You again for Your overflowing grace and blessing to me. Though I was hardly focused on obedience to Your plan for my life at the time, You guided me clearly and firmly, and I have reaped the benefits for 41 years. Thank You. Help me be the husband You intend me to be for as many years in the future as You keep us here. I am at times in awe of the abilities You have placed in my wife. Help me be the support and facilitator she needs to make full use of those abilities for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. May we together be the demonstration of Your plan for marriage that You intend us to be, tearing down the lies of the enemy and opening people's eyes to the truth, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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