

箴言 3:11-12 わが子よ。主の凝らしめをないがしろにするな。その叱責をいとうな。父がかわいがる子をしかるように、主は愛する者をしかる。

This passage isn't just impressive to me; it's quoted verbatim in Hebrews 12:5-6. It's important because we have a tendency to do exactly what verse 11 is telling us not to do. Hebrews goes into more detail about our tendency to resent correction, and it's spot on. Sometimes we resent it all the more precisely because we realize we are in the wrong! However, every good father knows that letting things slide is no way to love your children; correction needs to be prompt and appropriate. Sometimes the Lord respects our free will enough that we get ourselves into deep trouble, but the responsibility always lies with us. Actually, it is those who seem to be corrected less by God for their rebellion who are worse off! We need to be thankful for every bit of correction God gives us, recognizing that we are stubborn and headstrong, and that left to ourselves we would indeed be like sheep running off a cliff (to use the shepherding image that is so common in the Bible). Part of the problem is that we really can't see the consequences of our wrong actions ahead of time; they just feel good or enjoyable or “natural” at the time. That's why God has given us the Bible, to tell us where wrong paths lead and what the right path is. However, many people dismiss the Bible as ancient, irrelevant literature, thus “despising the Lord's correction and resenting His rebuke.” This is very visible in the US right now, with people insisting on their “right” to be perverted!


I've had my share of correction from God, and He has been remarkably restrained and gentle about it. I shudder to think how things might have turned out, had I taken a different fork at several points in my life. I need to remember that as I deal with those under my care as a pastor. I must never think that I am God, but I must not hesitate to express His truth in love. It's kind of like the slogan, “Friends don't let friends drink and drive.” When I see destructive behavior, I need to apply God's Word in love. Otherwise, as God said to Ezekiel, their blood will be on my hands!


Father, thank You for Your loving correction. Help me not resist when it is applied to me, and help me be a willing, loving agent when You choose to apply it through me. I pray for those around me who are deeply wounded by the failure to apply correction at the right time in the right way. I ask Your grace and mercy, and I pray that Your will would be done for us all, because as Your word says, it is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9) Thank You. Praise the Lord!


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