

箴言 21:21 正義と誠実を追い求める者はいのちと正義と誉れとを得る。

To me the major impact of this verse is the matter of priorities. As human beings we seek after different things, and that often has unintended consequences. For example, seeking happiness for its own sake generally gets us dissatisfaction rather than happiness, and seeking pleasure for its own sake can get us all sorts of heartache, including addiction and a list of other undesirable things. Happiness is certainly desirable, as is pleasure, but the whole point is where our focus is. Jesus put it on an even more basic level than happiness and pleasure, talking about the very necessities of life, when He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)


I have certainly experienced this on a practical level. Fortunately, I was raised with a generally pretty good value system, but I have deviated from God's priorities many times in various ways, and the results have never been what I thought I was seeking. The more I have focused on God's priorities, the more God has poured out blessings on me, often to the envy of those with different priorities. One area in which I still have a lot of work to do is conflict avoidance. When my goal is to avoid conflict, I set the stage for far greater, more devastating conflict in the future. When my goal is God's righteousness, speaking the truth in love, then conflict is held to a minimum. I know that and I've tasted it, but I certainly don't walk in it consistently.


Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. There is much that I am so slow to learn! As I teach others, help me walk in Your truth myself, so that I won't deceive myself in hypocrisy. Help me indeed seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, regardless of what the short-term consequences look like to my natural eye, so that I may walk in Your full provision of the best You have for me, which is far better than anything my flesh could desire. Thank You. Praise God!


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