

箴言 17:3 銀にはるつぼ、金には炉、人の心をためすのは主。

God knows our hearts, so that's not the purpose of His testing. (John 2:24) Rather, it's for purification, as Isaiah and others point out (Isaiah 48:10) A second purpose is so that we will know our own hearts. As a school teacher, I often have a very good idea of the ability of a given student, but they don't have my objective viewpoint, so tests are useful to help them understand both what they have mastered and where they need to improve. God does not pick on us, and He doesn't waste anything He allows us to experience. Ever since I learned it I have loved Andrae Crouch's song, “Through It All,” that talks about the benefits of the hard times we experience. He understands the principle and purpose of God's testing!

神は私たちの思いを御存じなので、試すのが神様の目的ではありません。(ヨハネ2:24)イザヤやその他の箇所に指摘があるように、むしろ、浄化のためです。二つ目の目的は、私たち自身が自分の思いを知るためです。私は教師として、能力のある生徒に対し良い策を持っていますが、生徒たちは私の意図する目的を分かっていません。ですから、生徒が学んだことと、まだ学ぶべき事の両方を分かってもらうために試験が役立っているわけです。神様は私たちをいじめておられるのではなく、私たちの無駄になるような経験を与えたりはなさいません。このことが分かって以来、困難な経験によって得た益を歌ったAndrae Crouchの「Through It All」が大好きです。彼は神様の試しによる目的の意味を分かっていた人です。

I haven't been through nearly as hard times as some people, but I have certainly had quite a few that were unpleasant at the time. As is discussed in Hebrews 12:1-13, I need to make full and proper use of all I go through in order to become more what God intends me to be. At the same time, as a pastor I am charged with helping others do the same, and that can be difficult. I must never make light of others' suffering, but I need to strive to help them lift their eyes off of their suffering long enough to see Jesus, so that they may receive faith to carry them through their trial into the blessing God intends. Sometimes I am successful at that, but I have also gotten resistance and even resentment from people who insist I don't understand what they're going through. Actually, that's beside the point: we need to keep our eyes on Jesus regardless of what we're going through! I am not to back off, but always speak the truth in love and leave it to the Holy Spirit to work that truth into people's hearts.


Father, sometimes my hardest trials are when people won't receive the truth You allow me to speak. I am understanding more and better that people are what matter, so my heart breaks more and more over people who “kick against the goads,” as you told Saul/Paul (Acts 26:14) Help me love them as You love me, and them, with patience and persistence. May I be Your instrument of grace and mercy to them, that they may be brought into right alignment with You, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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