

イザヤ 54:15, 17 見よ。攻め寄せる者があっても、それはわたしから出た者ではない。あなたを攻める者は、あなたによって倒される。あなたを攻めるために作られた武器は、どれも役に立たなくなる。また、さばきの時、あなたを責めてくるどんな舌でも、あなたはそれを罪に定める。これが、主のしもべたちの受け継ぐ分、わたしから受ける彼らの義である。-主の御告げー

If this passage doesn't get a believer excited, they're in pretty bad shape! Jesus confirmed what experience tells us, that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33), but this passage is talking about what Jesus said right after that: “Rejoice, for I have overcome the world.” We often forget that there can be no victory without a battle. As a result, we run from the battles that face us, only to find that they overtake us and we are defeated. The key is found in James 4:7. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” If we don't stand and resist the devil, he will be completely unrelenting in his attacks. However, it's useless to try to resist the devil without submitting to God, and this is where most people trip up. The devil is much smarter than we are, and he knows our weaknesses pretty well. However, his power doesn't begin to compare to God's. It is only when we are submitted to God that we are fully clothed in His armor (Ephesians 6), which nullifies every weapon of the devil as this passage talks about


I have been quite practiced in running from conflict, and it has done me no good. I have preached on the James passage numbers of times, but I haven't understood the practical implications in my own life. When I am focused on the negatives of my situation I am focused on the devil, and not God. That's no way to submit to God! I need to focus on God and trust Him, not ignoring what is going on around me but not allowing it to dominate my thinking. If I am focused on a problem, I am submitted more to the problem than I am to God! I must keep God in the forefront of my thinking and awareness at all times, so that I will be able to see the problems as being as small as they really are. Any time a problem looks big to me, that means I'm not seeing God big enough!


Father, thank You for this powerful word of encouragement this morning. Not only is it a very effective continuation to the series You've had me preaching, it is exactly what I needed! Thank You for all You've been saying and doing in recent weeks to prepare me to receive this Word. Keep me from just saying, “Oh, that's wonderful,” and then going on just like before. Rather, help me make the changes in my daily attitudes and actions that You know I've needed for a long time. It's not that I don't know what to do, it's that I fail to follow through and do it! Help me put feet to my words and stop deceiving myself, so that all of Your plans for me may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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