

イザヤ 43:10-11 あなたがたはわたしの証人-主の御告げーわたしが選んだわたしのしもべである。これは、あなたがたが知って、わたしを信じ、わたしがその者であることを悟るためだ。わたしより先に造られた神はなく、わたしより後にもない。わたし、このわたしが、主であって、わたしのほかに救い主はいない。

This is an absolutely clear, unequivocal statement, and it's the very first part that makes people most uncomfortable: “you are my witnesses.” This is of course echoed in Jesus' commission to believers with the promise of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8) The average Christian is terrified of having to tell someone else about God, both because they have no confidence in their own speaking ability and because they don't have a very clear idea of exactly what they believe. The first part of that is natural, and in a sense good, because depending on natural abilities isn't the way to accomplish the works of God. We have to depend actively on the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses. It is the second reason for hesitation for which there is no excuse, and it is downright dangerous. A brand new believer doesn't know much, which actually makes it easier for them to communicate what they do know. The story of the man born blind (John 9) comes to mind. “The only thing I know is that I was blind, but now I see.” However, we are called and commanded to grow in knowledge and understanding of God, and this is where many people fall flat on their face. Regular Bible reading, including thinking about what is read and applying it to one's life, seems like too much work to a lot of people. They don't realize that kind of attitude is spiritual anorexia, and it is just as unhealthy as the physical kind of anorexia. We don't all have to become academic theologians, but we must have an active, practical, growing knowledge of God (theology). When that is the case, being a witness is no longer intimidating; we are only sharing what is central to our lives.


I am naturally committed to being a witness myself, but I am also called and commissioned to equip others to be witnesses, and that is where it can really get difficult. Teaching and training those who have a hunger to know more of God, and are willing to make the time investment, is an absolute delight. Trying to pour food down the throats of those who won't even keep their mouths open is a trial indeed! However, since I am absolutely convinced of the reality of verse 10, “Apart from me there is no Savior,” I have no option but to keep going. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:14, the love of Christ leaves me no choice. My task is to communicate that love to the point that others will likewise be consumed with it, to be witnesses indeed.


Father, yet again I have outlined something I can't begin to do in my own strength. Thank You. If I could do it by myself, it wouldn't be worth doing! Thank You for Your call, Your commission, and Your empowerment. Help me keep my eyes off of myself and on Christ, so that I may move forward steadily, in full obedience and joy, bringing many with me as disciples into Your kingdom, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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