

イザヤ 63:14 家畜が谷に下るように、主の御霊が彼らをいこわせた。このようにして、あなたは、あなたの民を導き、あなたの輝かしい御名をあげられたのです。

When the Holy Spirit guides, the end result is peace and rest, but the journey may not be easy. In many cultures, cattle are led up to the heights in late spring and then brought back down to the lowlands in the fall, so this image is easy to grasp. Life in the highlands might be exciting for the cattle, perhaps, but it also has its dangers. Likewise, the trip itself can be dangerous, but once down in the valley there is peace and security in the barn and fold of the master. Sometimes we forget that life is a journey, that we haven't reached our final destination. The important thing to remember is that we have a good, faithful Guide, and if we follow Him we'll be all right. Things are going to happen along the way, and some of them will be scary, but we've got to stick with our Guide and not bolt and run. Doing that will only get us into more trouble! Sometimes the way seems familiar, and we can be lulled into something of a false security. Our guess as to what is around the bend may be right, but it could equally be wrong, so we must not push ahead or wander off the trail. There may be times when food and water are scarce on the trail, but we've got to remember that where we are headed, there is more than enough, and our Guide will never abandon us.


Recent events with family and friends have brought this point home to me. Youth is no guarantee against medical emergencies, nor is wisdom. We are responsible to be good stewards of the opportunities and resources we are given, but the outcome is ultimately in God's hands. It is good that I try to drive safely and that I'm working on getting my cholesterol into balance, but those things certainly don't excuse me from seeking and listening to the Holy Spirit. As a pastor, I'm also responsible to teach the believers to seek and obey God's guidance. Human beings have an amazing capacity for thinking they are in control of their own destiny. My job is to teach people that is true only in that we are in control of who we follow. If we think we are leading ourselves, we aren't following God!


Father, as I pray regularly, help me indeed hear and obey Your Spirit more accurately each day. Help me trust You with the big decisions and the little details. Like the saying goes, “the devil is in the details,” and I have a lot of room to grow in trusting and obeying You in everything. Yesterday was a good case in point, as I was stressing out over planning for something that You intend as a major blessing. Help me relax and receive Your provision on Your schedule, neither being impatient nor lagging behind, so that I won't wander in any way off the path You have for me, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!

お父様 定期的に祈っていますが、毎日、もっと正確に御霊に聞き従うように助けてください。大きな決断や小さな事に至るまで、あなたを信頼していられますように。「悪魔は細部にまでいる」という言葉がありますが、私は全てにおいてあなたを信頼し従えるように大きく成長しなくてはなりません。たとえば、昨日は良い例でした。あなたが大きな祝福として意図しておられる計画を私は強調しました。私がリラックスして、あなたの時宜にかなって展望を頂けるように助けてください。早まったり、遅れたりすることのありませんように。そしてあなたが私に持っておられる道から逸れることのありませんように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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