

雅歌 2:4 あの方や私を酒宴の座に伴われました。私の上に翻るあの方の旗じるしは愛でした。

Since the start of what has been called the Charismatic Movement quite a few songs have been written using verses from Song of Solomon, and this is one I learned back in the '70s. I think the reason for such songs was a fresh awareness of passion for God, and how intensely He loves us. This particular verse, if taken in the context of Christ and the Church, speaks of how abundantly God has provided for us. It was considered a shameful thing to run out of anything at a banquet, and every effort was made to provide the very best. The story of Jesus at the wedding in Cana comes to mind. God isn't going to run out of good things for us! Likewise, the distinguishing factor in God's attitude toward us is love, and He doesn't mind anyone knowing it. It is still common for banners to be used at festive occasions in almost every culture, proclaiming who or what is being celebrated, and why. God needs no excuse besides love! John was spoken of as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” and he wrote with great depth about love, both in his Gospel and in his letters. Having a grasp of God's love for him, he could hardly help loving God in return.


I have always felt a great affinity for John the son of Zebedee. It may be because I have always felt loved, by my parents and by God. My difficulty now is in communicating God's love to those who have not been so blessed in their upbringing. A lack of assurance of God's love is crippling, and I want to heal the cripples! However, the majority of people have a distorted idea of what love is in the first place. They tend to equate it with spoiling, with meeting every whim, but that is very far from true love. As I have experienced and as I teach, true love desires and works for the very best for the one loved, and sometimes that very best involves difficulty, pain, and loss. That is so hard for us to grasp! I cannot get it through to people in my own strength, so I've got to rely on the Holy Spirit to put words in my mouth that will penetrate the fog of lies and lead people out into the light of God's truth. If I will do that, it will be love indeed toward my hearers.


Father, thank You for the testimonies yesterday that indicated my words are getting through to some people, at least. Thank You for all the good things You are doing here. Help me walk in trust, not focusing on what I see as negative but rather on Christ and the vision You have placed before me, trusting that You are moving me and this church along toward that vision, in Your love, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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