イザヤ 38:17 ああ、私の苦しんだ苦しみは平安のためでした。あなたは、滅びの穴から、私のたましいを引き戻されました。あなたは私のすべての罪を、あなたのうしろに投げやられました。
It is very interesting that where the English says, “In Your love You kept me from the pit of destruction,” the Japanese doesn't mention love at all, simply saying, “You pulled my soul back from the pit of destruction.” However, it is the parts before and after that phrase that strike me most. In the first part of the verse Hezekiah expresses a revelation that has come to many people down through the centuries, but perhaps not often enough: his suffering was for his own good. The English says “benefit” while the Japanese says “peace,” but the original is probably “shalom,” which indeed means peace but means a lot more besides. God does not pick on us! We often have a hard time getting that through our skulls, and of course the devil doesn't want us to know or believe it. I have occasion at least once a week to point this out to someone, as I did yesterday, because we all go through suffering, just as Jesus said. (John 16:33) We need to stop making such a big deal of the fact that we are suffering, and instead choose to rejoice in God!
The last part of the verse is also significant, where Hezekiah says “You have put (the Japanese says 'thrown') my sins behind you.” Hezekiah didn't have a revelation of the cross of Christ, but he knew his sins had to be dealt with. He didn't see himself as worse than his contemporaries, and indeed he wasn't, but he had still built up a sufficient track record of sins that he knew God had to deal with them in some way. Repentance is essential for salvation!
As often as I seek to help others understand this, I sometimes slip up in applying it to my own life. I have no reason to complain about anything, ever! God has been more than gracious to me, dealing with me far more kindly than I have deserved and pouring out blessings I never earned. I have experienced suffering of various sorts, and that is ongoing, but none of it is wasted; God uses it all for my good. (Romans 8:28) People sometimes treat me like I'm a broken record, always saying that God will use anything that is committed and released to Him, and some people get actively angry, feeling I am making light of their suffering. I need to do all I can to keep from giving that impression, but I must remember that ultimately, each person's response to suffering is their own responsibility.
Father, recently my biggest suffering has been in watching people I love turn their backs on You in one way or another. That helps me understand Your feelings as You have dealt with mankind ever since Creation. Help me indeed love people with Your love, not as a personal burden, because I can't possibly carry them, but allowing You to touch them through me, without thinking that their response is to me personally. Help me extend to them the grace and comfort You have poured out on me, so that they too may lift their eyes to You and rejoice, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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