

ホセア 1:7 「しかし、わたしはユダの家を愛し、彼らの神、主によって彼らを救う。しかし、わたしは弓、剣、戦い、および馬、騎兵によって彼らを救うのではない。」

We tend to decide in our minds how God needs to save us, and more often than not He uses another method entirely. Human beings are by definition short-sighted: we can't really see past the end of our own nose. God, on the other hand, sees, knows, and understands everything at once, which is why His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:9) One definition of genius, for humans, is the ability to see ideas and solutions that others can't. By that definition, God is the ultimate genius! That's why we need to trust God rather than waste energy worrying about how He is going to express His love and faithfulness to us. Our job is to be faithful in our immediate circumstances, and “leave the driving to Him,” as the old ad for public transportation used to say. (“Take the bus, and leave the driving to us.”) When we try to grab the wheel, we run off the road at best, and at worst we involve others in terrible accidents. I'm also reminded of the Christian bumper sticker that says, “If God is your co-pilot, swap seats.” Excellent advice!


I've done my share of trying to be in control, and I know what an enormous amount of energy, emotional and physical, that wastes. It has taken a long time and a lot of hard knocks to get me even as far as I am, and I've still got a lot of room for improvement! However, I must not use “trusting God” as an excuse not to plan, much less not to be faithful at the task at hand. I may not see (probably won't see) why God has given me a particular task to do, but my job is to be faithful and trust Him with the outcome. At the same time, as a pastor I'm to be teaching others to do the same, and that's where the rub comes in. Teaching faith and trust is, on some levels at least, and impossible task. What I can do is present the truth, clearly and lovingly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and then let Him work that truth into people's hearts and minds. I can't pound it in with a sledge hammer, as much as I might like to sometimes!


Father, thank You for the path You have laid out for me. It's certainly challenging at times! Thank You for Your grace, mercy and patience toward me. Help me extend that same grace, mercy and patience to those to whom I minister, so that they too may see what a great, wise, loving, and powerful God You are, trusting You with everything and rejoicing in Your salvation, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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