

ルカ 6:36 「あなたがたの天の父があわれみ深いように、あなたがたも、あわれみ深くしなさい。」

Many places in the Bible speak of our being like God, or at least imitating Him, in holiness, mercy, and various other characteristics. As the saying goes, “Like father, like son.” We are quick to apply that to Jesus, but we are much slower to apply it to ourselves. Some of that comes from genuine humility, because we see how very far we are from being like God so much of the time, but if we are honest, we will admit that part of it comes from a rebellious spirit that doesn't want to be like God. The devil has tricked us into thinking that going our own way in self-centeredness is the way to satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness, when nothing could be further from the truth. There is ultimately no real peace, no joy, satisfaction or happiness, apart from God. God doesn't want us to be miserable for eternity, so He does all He can to conform us to the likeness of Christ, starting with the cross of Christ itself. The more we accept and welcome what He is doing in us, the more, and the faster, we become like Jesus. That is where true peace and joy lie, until we enter into ultimate peace and joy before the throne of God.


I have had incredible advantages in this area, from my ancestry all the way through the present, but I have been remarkably slow to apply them. Given the examples I grew up with in my own home, it would seem that being Christlike would be my automatic first choice. However, it certainly hasn't worked that way! Just like everyone else, I need to make the clear, conscious choice to be like Jesus, and renew that choice daily – sometimes hourly, or even more often! Temptations to abandon that path abound, and I must not take my spiritual condition for granted. The whole “What would Jesus do?” (WWJD) thing was quite a fad a few years ago. That was certainly one of the better fads, but as long as it is a fad, it doesn't make lasting changes. I am to keep God as my central, absolute priority, not as a bracelet or a bumper sticker, but with every part of my being. I cannot maintain that in my own strength, but I can make that choice and commit myself to God, and His power will work it in me.


Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. I have been so slow to learn! Thank You that You are indeed merciful, and patient and loving and all the rest, because otherwise I'd be totally lost. Help me indeed not rely on my own strength, which is nothing but weakness, and rather rely fully on You, so that Your power may transform me into the likeness of Your Son indeed, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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