

マタイ 12:7 「『わたしはあわれみは好むが、いけにえは好まない』ということがどういう意味かを知っていたら、あなたがたは、罪のない者たちを罪に定めはしなかったでしょう。」

People are quick to seize on externals, when God is far more interested in what is going on inside of us. In the physical realm, it's barely been a century since x-rays were developed, and such things as CT, MRI, and PET scans are of course much more recent, not to mention endoscopes. In the spiritual realm we haven't even gotten to the x-ray level. However, the Holy Spirit sees right through everyone, both physically and spiritually, and sometimes He clues us in as to what is really going on. On a more consistent level, the Bible gives us plenty of guidelines as to what should be going on. The Bible does talk about external activities a great deal, because they are far easier for us to monitor, but we must not make the mistake of focusing on those externals.


I am in an interesting practicum on this right now. I find I feel somewhat guilty for “abandoning” my church on a Sunday, but at the same time I am sharply aware of the pressures faced by the solitary believer we are visiting. I've never been in as actively Shinto a situation as this before, and it's hard to imagine what she goes through on a daily basis without like-minded Christian fellowship, with the closest Protestant church hours away on another island. I am to speak encouragement and blessing to her, building her up rather than attacking her on any level. The contrast between her situation and that of many others is striking. She would love to attend worship regularly but can't, while others have abundant opportunities and yet allow anything under the sun to be an excuse to keep them away. I am not to focus on externals, but I am to allow the Holy Spirit to use me to shine a light on people's hearts, so that they may see and acknowledge what is going on, repent, and receive forgiveness and restoration.


Father, this is a hard thing, but it's far from the first difficult task You've set for me! Help me grow in active dependence on Your Spirit, so that I won't get in the way of what You want to do through me. Give me strong love for the people I am with, that will value their blessing more than my comfort. May I not speak out of turn, but may I not draw back from speaking whatever You desire to say through me. May I always value Your opinion more than that of any person, and so stay true to You both spiritually and physically, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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