マルコ 12:10-11 「あなたがたは、次の聖書のことばを読んだことがないのですか。『家を建てる者たちの見捨てた石、それが礎の石になった。これは主のなさったことで、私たちの目には、不思議なことである。』」
Things that God does are often amazing to us, sometimes because they are miraculous, but more often because we simply would never have thought of them. We say it, but we still have trouble grasping the reality that God is outside of time, seeing the end from the beginning, and He is perfectly wise. Chess masters get that way by being able to project what is likely to happen several moves in advance. God does that perfectly! Just as a chess master might make a move that would seem surprising to someone who was merely competent in the game, God knows all the consequences of every action down through the generations, which causes Him to do things for our good that at the time might seem anything but good. The particular thing Jesus was talking about here was actually His own crucifixion, which at the time seemed the most horrible of things, yet God designed and intended it for the salvation of all who would believe. That's not to say that everything in the world is as God would like it to be; the Bible is very clear on that point in many places and God has spoken it personally to me. However, for those who choose to love God and respond to His call, He works even the things that aren't good on the face of it to have good results. (Romans 8:28) That is to say, we all suffer from others' sins as well as from our own, but if we choose to submit those things to God, He can and will turn them around for good, and that is indeed “marvelous in our eyes.”
It has taken so many years for this truth to work its way into my thick skull, and I still ignore it at times! Getting upset at circumstances accomplishes nothing good, and it is certainly emotionally exhausting. That's not to say that I'm to act like I think everything is good. That would be insulting to those around me who are suffering, and a violation of Romans 12:15, which Brother Hiroki preached on Sunday in my absence. However, I am to teach believers, by word and example, to trust God and look for the good that He will bring out of everything they release to Him.
Father, I remember the time when I was praying with a church member, close to 20 years ago, and You spoke through me, “Don't be amazed at what amazes others. Rather, expect marvelous things from Me.” Help me be obedient to that Word. I am still so prone to get upset at circumstances. Forgive me. Thank You for such little things as keeping me from getting that extra computer power supply to a recycle shop back when I intended to do that, because You knew I'd need it today. Help me walk today, and each day, in full trust and obedience, anticipating with joy the good that You are going to bring out of everything, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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