

マタイ 24:14 「この御国の福音は全世界に宣べ伝えれて、すべての国民にあかしされ、それから、終わりの日が来ます。」

When the Peter speaks of “speeding” the coming of the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12), this is doubtless what he is referring to, because he was there when Jesus said it. I'm sure later circumstances in his life had caused the memory of Jesus' words to be engraved in his mind! There are probably moments for every Christian in which they would like Christ to return right now! However, proclaiming the Gospel to all nations is the only activity we can do that has anything to do with God's timing. Modern technology has made it physically possible for the first time to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, but it ultimately comes down to a “one to one” transaction; leaving it up to the “professionals” just doesn't cut it. Probably a majority of Christians have something of a panic reaction when confronted with their responsibility to share the Gospel, being afraid of people's reaction and being very uncertain they can do it in the first place. That comes from focusing on yourself, your abilities and how you will be received. The key, to this and to everything else in the Christian life, is getting your eyes off of yourself and onto God, who loved us enough to send Christ to die for us and whose love has not changed since then.


Since I am what most people consider a “professional Christian,” I find that my words are taken with that in mind. That is, non-believers expect me to urge Christ on them, and Christians think, “Oh, he can do it because he's a pro.” Like Paul said, I can't not share the Gospel! (2 Corinthians 5:11, 14) As a pastor, I am charged with equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12), not with doing it all myself! I need to teach and admonish and encourage the believers to recognize, accept, and then share the love of God, because the 2 Corinthians passage should apply to every believer! I am to teach and train so that people will have Biblical grounding in the truth they are to share, but the motivation must be the love of God. I can't force people to appropriate it, but I can work to open their eyes to recognize it.


Father, thank You for recent progress in this area in our church. Thank you for the opportunity You gave me here yesterday. Thank You that the wisdom and the power are Yours, because mine are certainly not up to the task! I ask for wisdom and power right now for the things that are to be done before we will be ready to leave here to go home. I ask for a smooth trip, in all senses of the word. I pray that the seeds You have allowed us to plant here will bear rich fruit in Your time, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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