

ゼカリア 8:4 万軍の主はこう仰せられる。「再び、エルサレムの広場には、老いた男、老いた女がすわり、年寄りになって、手に杖を持とう。」

Aging is part of God's good plan for humanity. Current society worships youth, but that is an aberration. If we didn't age, most of us wouldn't be ready to move on to the next world! Among other things, aging is a reminder that “This world is not my home; I'm just passing through,” as the old Spiritual says it. Desiring and working for good health is entirely reasonable and appropriate, but that means different things at different ages. Quite a few people, mostly men, have literally killed themselves by acting much younger than they were. The various things that accompany aging aren't to be complained about, because there are many pluses along with the minuses.


At 61, this is present reality for me, and it will increasingly be so for as long as the Lord keeps me here. I am to strive to be a good steward of the body I've been given, but not grumble because it's not intended as eternal in its present form. I anticipate more than 20 productive years ahead of me, but the definition of productive will change as I go along. This is also training in delegation and mentoring, as I supply the wisdom while younger people supply the brawn. That's not at all so say that I'm to decide, “I'm old,” and stop being active. That would be irresponsible and would greatly hasten the aging process. Rather, it's to say that I am not to let pride do me in. Cathy's and my upcoming little trip is a good case in point. We are to enjoy it fully, but not be foolish about it.

61 歳ですが、これが今ある私の現実で、主がここで私を生かしてくださる限り、このまま年をとっていくでしょう。与えられた肉体を奉仕のために正しく用いるように努力せねばなりませんが、不平を言うことのないようにすべきです。今ある状態で永遠に残るわけではないのですから。まだまだこれからしっかりと20年以上は、生産的に生きれると期待していますが、生産的であることの定義も変化していくことでしょう。これもまた代表者、教師としての訓練でしょう。若い人に腕力をつけるように、私は知恵をつけていきます。「私は年をとっている」とか活動的であるのをやめてしまおうと決めつけることではありません。それでは無責任で、かえって老化を大幅に早めてしまいます。むしろ高慢に入る隙を与えないようにすべきでしょう。家内との小旅行はそのよい例です。沢山楽しみ、しかしあまり羽目を外さないようにしたいものです。

Father, thank You for all You are allowing us to experience, and for what You are teaching us in the process. This past week has been a rough one for us both, physically, but You are faithful. Thank You that Cathy can go to the dermatologist this morning, and for how much her back has improved since she hurt it Friday. Thank You that I have antihistamines I can take, and that they're helping my situation. Help us cooperate with the healing and health that You have for us, living fully and responsibly, so that all Your purposes for us may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise the Lord!


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