

ルカ 11:46, 52 しかし、イエスは言われた。「おまえたちもわざわいだ。律法の専門家たち。人々には負いきれない荷物を負わせるが、自分は、その荷物に指一本さわろうとはしない。わざわいだ。律法の専門家たち。おまえたちは知識のかぎを持ち去り、自分も入らず、入ろうとする人々をも妨げたのです。」

The people Jesus was talking to here were a far cry from the teacher of the Law that He talked to in Mark 12! This is the image that sticks in our minds, and it's a pathetic one indeed. This is the legalist, who is terribly picky about the details of the rules, but totally ignores the reason for which they were written. Sad to say, their number is not few even today. Such people get adamant about the accuracy or inaccuracy of a particular Bible translation, but they don't live out the command to love their neighbor. When they are involved in missions, as Jesus said in Matthew 23:15, they “travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, [they] make him twice as much a son of hell as [they] are.” That's pretty severe condemnation! And actually, such people are really to be pitied, because as Jesus says here, they have the key to the knowledge of God, but they won't go in and receive the salvation they claim to have. They are the ultimate example of self deception, as James 1:22 says, because they are convinced they are right, but in focusing on true things they have missed the Truth entirely.


Every time I get to such passages I tremble, because God has made me a teacher of His Word, and I must learn from these people's bad example. Repentance is indeed essential for salvation, but trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit in convicting people of sin is fatal, to them and to me. I am not to draw back from speaking the Truth, but I must always do it in love. (Ephesians 4:15) Since I have been given the key to knowledge of God, as Jesus said, I must be earnest to enter in, drawing people with me, rather than standing outside and making pronouncements. I am not to condone error, but there are times when I must overlook it, or I will miss the Truth myself. Perceiver gifting (Romans 12:6-8) tends to see things in black and white, which can add clarity but can also be merciless. Jesus quoted Hosea 6:6 when He said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” (Matthew 9:13) I must be true to the Word, but I must not miss God, Who is love, in the process.


Father, this is something I have struggled with over the years. I have indeed been soft on sin and error, my own and that of others, but I have seen the ravages that legalism has wrought in so many lives. Help me be true to You both in Word and Spirit, helping people get out of the mud they are stuck in, rather than just telling them they shouldn't be there. Keep me from being one who piles burdens on people. Rather, help me direct them to Christ, because Your yoke is indeed easy, and Your burden is light. Keep me also from excusing sin in myself. Help me be an example and an encouragement that it is indeed possible by Your grace to live in joyful obedience, so that many will join me in the journey, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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