

マタイ 10:41 「預言者を預言者だというので受け入れる者は、預言者の受ける報いを受けます。また、義人を義人だということで受け入れるもの者は、義人の受ける報いを受けます。」

This is a very interesting principle, and one that probably operates in the reverse as well. That is, if someone is rejected because they are a prophet, or righteous, then those who reject them are in deep trouble indeed! The whole section from verse 40 to verse 42 is one I have thought about a great deal since coming to Omura. Many people have been gracious and generous to me and my family, and I find myself wondering what their reward will be. If they are nice to us simply because that's the way they are, or because they feel that is the culturally expected thing to do, I don't think it's wasted, but it's not what Jesus is talking about here. However, if they are nice to us because we come in Jesus' name and seek to share Him with others, then their reward will certainly not be lacking. God, as always, looks at the heart, and acts according to our motives.


This is a very immediate issue, when someone we have never met is providing us with transportation and a place to stay on our trip, simply because as a Christian, a mutual Christian friend told them about our plans. They will certainly not lose their reward! From the other side, Cathy and I have entertained many people who were “travelers in Christ,” so to speak. I leave our reward up to God, because He knows we didn't do it for the sake of a reward. I find myself much more concerned about the many people who have received us, yet who, to our knowledge, have never received Christ. I can only continue to share the Gospel with them, and leave the results up to God.


Father, this is something that concerns me very much. There have been people who have been very close to us, yet died without becoming Christians. There are several others who, though alive at this point, seem very much in danger of the same thing. I ask for more anointing to be able to get through to them, so that Your truth will set them free from the lies that have trapped them. I am painfully aware that I cannot convince them of the Gospel in my own strength. I have worn myself out trying! Help me be faithful to communicate Christ without taking people's response as my personal responsibility. I ask for ever-increasing effectiveness in the task, but I know that it is only by Your grace and power that anyone is saved. May that grace and power be more and more effective in and through me, for the salvation of many and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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