

ホセア 2:23 「わたしは彼をわたしのために地にまき散らし、『愛されない者』を愛し、『わたしの民でない者』を、『あなたはわたしの民』と言う。彼は『あなたは私の神』と言おう。」

Given the context, I think the English is entirely justified in rendering “scatter” as “plant,” as in scattering seed. The point of the passage is that in God's timing and plan, a nation's fortunes can turn around completely. However, what is required for those fortunes to turn good is repentance. God's grace is indeed amazing, but it must be responded to for it to be effective. The whole story of Hosea and his wife is a parable of God and His people that must have been incredibly painful for Hosea at the time, but I'm sure that he and Gomer are currently rejoicing at having been chosen as part of God's redemptive message. Like the man born blind in John 9, God planned and allowed this story to unfold for His glory, to express the depth of His love to a wider audience. We often don't know the purpose of the trials we experience, but we are called to trust God anyway, knowing that His plans are good, whatever they look like at the moment.


This is quite personal for me, because though I haven't had the sort of intense trial that Hosea experienced, I have had almost 29 years of ministry with very little to show for it, on the surface at least. However, the Lord has allowed me to impact many people for Him in various ways, and I've got to leave the harvest in His hands. Just as God recreated the nation of Israel in a day, so God can bring revival to Japan overnight. I cannot dictate any detail of when or how that will happen, but I can be faithful at the task at hand, and that is what I am to strive for, not losing my hope and anticipation of the harvest.


Father, thank You for Your plan, even though I see only the smallest part of it, even in retrospect. Help me trust You, implicitly and explicitly, not agonizing over the “why?” but resting in the assurance of Your grace and love. Thank You for the privilege of speaking Your Word, in the pulpit and out of it. May I allow Your Word to go forth through me to accomplish that for which You send it, today and every day, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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