

申命記 13:3 その預言者、夢見るもののことばに従ってはならない。あなたがたの神、主は、あなたがたが心を尽くし、精神を尽くして、ほんとうに、あなたがたの神、主を愛するかどうかを知るために、あなたがたを試みておられるからである。

An untested faith isn't worth much, frankly. That's why Paul cautions Timothy not to put people in positions of leadership before they have some maturity in their faith. A new Christian can seem all on fire one day and almost cold the next, because their faith doesn't have tested roots. God isn't being mean to us when He tests our faith, He's wanting us to plant our roots deeper and deeper in Him and His Word, so that no amount of storms can shake us from our place in Him. Storms can certainly shake our branches, so to speak, and even break off a few, but God intends that as pruning and cleaning, so that we will be more secure and more fruitful, putting our energy where it needs to go instead of being distracted. God doesn't want us agonizing over whether we're really saved or not; He wants us to be clear as to whom we serve and why, so that we won't be vulnerable to the tricks and traps of the enemy of our souls.


I have not always been the best judge of spiritual maturity, but I have to leave the past in God's hands. Someone recently described me as “kuso majime,” which means essentially, “so well-behaved as to be no good.” The expression shows a sad misunderstanding of what is good, as well as of joy and happiness. I need to encourage the believers that the storms they experience are to strengthen them, not tear them down. I need to pray for those who are going through testing that they will not fall away, just as Jesus prayed for Peter, but I also need to have discernment and wisdom in assigning responsibilities, so that weak branches won't break under the load.


Father, thank You for all the testing You've put me through, and for what I'm experiencing even right now. Thank You for teaching me to trust You, even though it's sometimes been quite painful in the process. Thank You for teaching me that I can't trust myself apart from You, so that my pride is less likely to lead me astray. Help me relate to myself and to those around me as You intend, strengthening the weak and admonishing the unruly, so that together we may grow and move as You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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