

申命記 30:11, 14 まことに、私が、きょう、あなたに命じるこの命令は、あなたにとってむずかしすぎるものではなく、遠くかけ離れたものでもない。まことに、みことばは、あなたのごく身近にあり、あなたの口にあり、あなたの心にあって、あなたはこれを行うことができる。

It was strictly accidental that this passage (11-20) was repeated from the day before, but there is certainly plenty of important content in it. Verse 14 is so important Paul quoted it in Romans 10:8 as part of his explanation of how a person is saved. Actually, the devil does all he can to keep us from knowing and believing what this says, because since he is destined for hell, he wants to take as many people with him as he can. As a result, people make salvation out to be something terribly complicated and difficult, when it is actually very simple. The humility and repentance required may be difficult because of our pride, but the transaction itself is very simple. God does not ask of us anything He does not make it possible for us to do. We have enormous difficulty believing that at times, but it is absolute truth. This was true 3,500 years ago when Moses was talking to the Israelites, and it is true today. Sometimes we don't want to believe it, because we would rather give in to temptation and wallow in sin, but that doesn't change the facts. The problem is, the devil manages to make sin look so attractive, so fun, that we don't believe being obedient to God is really better even in the long term, much less in the short. That's where we've got to know the truth, so that we can be set free. (John 8:32)


I run into this constantly. Just the other day I was talking to someone who said he couldn't relate to me because I was too “well behaved,” making it clear that he thought that was no fun. He is completely deceived, as is evidenced by the wreck he's made of his life. I need to stand firm on God's truth, communicating it in love and demonstrating by my life what a possible, delightful thing it is. Choosing obedience to God always looks harder before the fact than in retrospect! The more often and the more consistently we make that choice, the easier it becomes and the more God's gracious blessings flow in our lives. I've got to communicate that reality to those around me as effectively as possible, so that they may be rescued from the snares of the devil.


Father, thank You that Your commands aren't too difficult, nor are they burdensome (1 John 5:3). Help me be faithful in my own obedience and effective in encouraging others to be obedient as well, so that together we may fulfill Your plans for us, for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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