

第1サムエル 18:28-29 こうして、サウロは、主がダビデとともにおられ、サウロの娘ミカルがダビデを愛していることを見、また、知った。それでサウロは、ますますダビデを恐れた。サウロはいつまでもダビデの敵となった。

Jealousy is such a sad thing. It comes from self-centeredness and a lack of faith that someone else's blessings don't detract from your own. In that way it is closely connected with greed. We humans are a sorry lot! I continue to be impressed with the way our daughter and her husband are raising their sons, because their older son's lack of jealousy toward his younger brother speaks volumes about how secure they have made the older son feel. He doesn't doubt that there's enough love to go around. God's love toward each of us is far greater and better, and yet we so easily fall into jealousy when we see someone else being blessed, often not recognizing the grace that is being poured out on us.


My biggest problems with jealousy on my own part are in relation to other pastors and churches, which is certainly ironic. If I am faithful in my obedience, God's plans for me will be fulfilled far better than I could set it up myself. I actually encounter more jealousy of me than I feel towards others, because people see how God has poured His grace out on me and they don't believe God loves them as much as He does me. The only thing I can do in such situations is to pray for those people, not flaunting blessings but seeking to help those people see how God has blessed them, perhaps in ways that He hasn't blessed me. I don't want anyone to end up as a life-long enemy because of jealousy!


Father, You have blessed me remarkably, and that indeed bothers some people. I pray Your grace for them and for me, that they would recognize Your love and grace toward them and open their hearts to receive it. Ralph Neighbor makes a very good point when he says that most unhappiness comes from distorted and unfulfilled expectations. I can't change people's expectations directly, but I ask You to touch their hearts and open their eyes so that they may be overwhelmed by Your love for them. May I likewise walk in the assurance of Your love so that I may enjoy life at least as much as our grandsons do, and lead others to do the same, for their blessing and your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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