

第1サムエル 18:9-10 その日以来、サウロはダビデを疑いの目で見るようになった。その翌日、わざわいをもたらす、神の霊がサウロに激しく下り、彼は家の中で狂いわめいた。

I would like to talk with an Israeli about this passage, because the English and Japanese have distinctly different slants in how they translate the Hebrew. Where the English says “jealous,” the Japanese says “suspicious,” and where the English says “was prophesying,” the Japanese says “was delirious” (or, “was acting insanely”). All those differences (and more) aside, the thrust of the passage actually remains the same: Saul's attitude toward David opened the door for an evil spirit, that today would probably be diagnosed as mental illness. Harboring evil thoughts and attitudes toward others opens us up to far more harm for ourselves than it brings harm to those other people. Nursing thoughts of revenge absolutely poisons us. In Saul's case it was very quick. The results aren't always that fast, but it's not unusual. That's the biggest reason God proclaims, “Vengeance is Mine.” (Deuteronomy 32:35, quoted in Romans 12:19) Releasing events, issues, and people to God is essential for true emotional and spiritual health.


I've experienced this on a small scale myself, and I've certainly dealt with people who have been devastated by it, both in the mental hospital and out of it. The difficulty in dealing with this issue is that it is fundamentally irrational, so logical arguments don't have much impact. In essence it is a sin issue, because such attitudes are in clear violation of the Word of God. As a pastor, I need to lay firm groundwork for people to understand how they are supposed to deal with hurts and jealousies before they happen, and give all the emotional and prayer support I can to those who are trying to deal with them after the fact. It is clear that this task, particularly helping people recover after they have made bad response choices, is beyond my ability, so I've got to be constantly and consciously dependent on God. The Holy Spirit can and will give me the wisdom I need, but I've got to ask for it for each individual and in each situation, and not think I can coast on what He's given me before.


Father, help me be free of jealousy/suspicion/paranoia myself. I can't help people out of their traps if I'm mired in one myself! Help me extend to others the grace and comfort I've received (2 Corinthians 1:3-4), so that together we may destroy the works of the devil and walk in the liberty, peace and joy of Your Holy Spirit, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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