

ネヘミヤ 1:5 「ああ、天の神、主。大いなる、恐れるべき神。主を愛し、主の命令を守る者に対しては、契約を守り、いつくしみを賜る方。」

When we approach God it needs to be with an awareness of who He is. As cupbearer to the king of Persia, Nehemiah was quite familiar with the use of titles in addressing people, and he was also aware that he was addressing the King of kings. Japanese society still has a pretty big awareness of titles, but American society has been rather aggressive in abandoning the use of titles in addressing people. When it comes to people I don't think that matters particularly, especially when Jesus was rather negative on the subject. (Matthew 23:8-12) However, if we try to pull God down into that sort of democratization we are in real trouble. He is, after all, the Creator of the universe and there is none other. With incredible grace and love He chooses to relate to us individually, seeking an intimacy with us that violates all logic, but if we take that lightly, devaluing grace by our presumption, then we take ourselves out of the flow of that grace, and that is a terrible thing indeed.


This is a particular danger for me, because I was raised with an expectation of intimacy with God. That is actually an incredible blessing, because many people never come to that place of intimacy with Him, but it is all too true that familiarity breeds contempt. I am all too prone to presume on God. That has been one of the problems with our church services, because if I am not in holy awe of the One in whose presence we are gathered, how can I expect anyone else to be? I am preaching on worship this morning, desiring that it be a workshop in real worship for all present, but I need to be the first student! As I sing such things as “Holy Lord” I need to be aware of what that means, not thinking “I translated that pretty well, didn't I,” but bowing down, internally even if not externally, before the holy God of all creation.

これは特に私にとって危険なことです。神と親しくあるよう期待されて育ったからです。これは、多くの人が神と親しい位置にはない事を思うと、実はとてつもない祝福です。しかし、この親密さが傲慢さを生み出すのも事実です。私は、神様に対し当然視しすぎる傾向が強くあります。これはこの教会にある問題の一つですが、私たちの集うところにご臨在くださるただ一人のお方に対し、もし私が聖なる畏れを持たないならば、一体、私はどうやって人に期待できると言うのでしょう?今朝、私は礼拝について話をします。出席者全員にとって真の礼拝場所となることを望みますが、まず私自身も学ばなくてはなりません!たとえば Holy Lordを歌う時も、歌の意味を意識し、「上手く訳せている」など考えないようにし、全ての創造者である聖なる神様の御前では、うわべではなく、内面をしっかり凝縮させたいものです。

Father, thank You for what You've been saying to me as I've been preparing today's message. Forgive me for failing to worship You as You deserve, and then turning around and being critical of those who don't seem to value corporate worship. Forgive me for being judgmental in any way. Help me rather recognize the degree of grace and mercy that was necessary for me to be able to stand before You at all, and so submit myself to You fully in gratitude and worship. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Thank You. Praise God!


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