ネヘミヤ 13:26-27 「イスラエルの王ソロモンは、このことによって罪を犯したではないか。多くの国々のうちで彼のような王はいなかった。彼は神に愛され、神は彼をイスラエル全土を治める王としたのに、外国の女たちが彼を罪を起こさせてしまった。だから、あなたがたが外国の女をめとって、私たちの神に対して不振の罪を犯し、このような大きな悪を行っていることを聞き流しにできようか。」
I'm not the only person to find Solomon's actions hard to believe! We might tend to think of Solomon and Nehemiah as almost contemporaries, but they were separated by a few hundred years. Even so, in the OT context religion was seen as for the most part integral to nationality, which is something we actually see a lot of even today. The problem with intermarriage was actually not so much racial as religious. The problem of children of interracial marriages not being able to speak Aramaic (probably the “language of Judah” referred to in verse 24) was symptomatic but not central. If the men in question had taken seriously their position and responsibility as spiritual heads of their households, none of this would have been an issue. After all, Rahab and Ruth were in the direct ancestry of King David! In both those cases, however, the women committed themselves to the God of Israel, and God blessed them. Paul brings up this whole issue as one of being “unequally yoked.” Spiritual unity is of the utmost importance in a household, and yet it is often taken very lightly. For better or for worse, the marital relationship is far more than physical, but many men in particular tend to overlook that, to their peril.
This is a very, very big issue in Japan, with such a small pool of Christian young people, and particularly with the shortage of Christian men. I need to encourage Biblical priorities in this area, and so far I seem to have had some success, though not perfectly so. I must not put people down for being anxious to get married, certainly, but I need to pray for them to find the right partner in God's timing. It's the timing that's the problem. They don't see me as a credible witness in this area when I got married at 20! It comes down to encouraging them to trust God in every area, because He's the only one worthy of such trust.
Father thank you for the testimony yesterday from someone who declined an arranged marriage for this very reason. I do pray for Your best, both in partner and in timing, for each single person in this church. I believe that You desire to raise up many Godly households that will not only raise up children to love and fear You but also serve as examples to society as a whole of what You intend a family to be, in all love and joy and purity. May Your will be done, for the destruction of the works of the devil and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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