第2サムエル 1:26 あなたのために私は悲しむ。私の兄弟ヨナタンよ。あなたは私を大いに喜ばせ、あなたの私への愛は、女の愛にまさって、すばらしかった。
Like yesterday's passage, this one also is greatly misappropriated by homosexual activists. However, I feel it betrays David's lack of understanding of and appreciation for women. The idea of a wife as an equal partner, particularly for someone who had the financial and social resources to have more than one, was totally lacking in the society of his day. We know details of only two of his wives, but I have always felt that if he had stuck with his second one he would have been better off. (1 Samuel 25) Abigail sounds like a real winner in my book! However, it was through Bathsheba that the line continued to Joseph and Mary, so God used even David's weakness and stupidity to bring eventual great blessing. I still wonder what God might have done had David been wiser in this area, though.
I have been greatly blessed in the partner God has given me, and that's not to say the devil hasn't tried to mess that up. Looking back over the past 41 years, and before, actually, it's amazing how God has protected me in spite of myself. At this point He has me in a position where I often give marital advice to others, both before and after their weddings. I am not to speak presumptuously, but I am to share what the Lord has given me in terms of knowledge and understanding, so that others may be kept from the lies and traps of the devil.
Father, thank You indeed for Your grace to me. Help me be a good steward of that grace, in this area and each other one, so that I may be an effective instrument in Your hands for blessing, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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