

ピリピ 1:6 あなたがたのうちに良い働きを始められた方は、キリスト・イエスの日が来るまでにそれを完成させてくださることを私は堅く信じているのです。

I have loved this verse for a long time, quoting and singing it on many occasions. Even so, it bears further reflection. There are many fundamental concepts expressed or assumed in this short verse. For starters, there's the basic conviction that Christ Jesus is going to return at a specific point in time to judge the living and the dead, as is expressed in much more detail in many other places in the Bible. We sometimes forget that, getting caught up in the here-and-now to our peril. We need to remember that life has a final examination! Another vitally important thing that is expressed here is spiritual growth. We don't instantly become mature, complete Christians the moment we commit to Jesus Christ as Lord. We might desire that, but it would be no more natural than for a baby to come out of the womb able to speak and do gymnastics! We are created to grow, and we need to remember that. We are not to condemn ourselves or each other for being immature, but neither are we to be satisfied with that condition. We are constantly to be pressing into God, learning more of Him and exercising our faith in day-to-day situations, so that when big things come along we'll be able to sail right through them. Another thing expressed in this verse is the awareness that it is God who works maturity in us; we don't do it on our own. We are called to cooperate, and indeed, some people refuse to do so, to their own great loss, but we can't generate maturity in ourselves. Emotional and spiritual maturity is the end result of a series of choices, some of which might seem totally insignificant at the time, but which have an effect on our direction. Remembering that God is the source of our maturity and strength – and everything else good – helps us make the right choices consistently.


I certainly haven't made the right choices all the time, but God has been faithful, occasionally knocking me back on course. Those knocks haven't always felt good, but I'm deeply grateful for them! I need to remember God's grace toward me as I deal with others, being quick to encourage and slow to condemn. There are some who are in despair about their own lack of progress, as they see it. I need to help them understand that their very concern over the issue means that God is working in them, and they don't need to be anxious. I need to help the whole church understand the principle of growth, so that we will be able to rejoice in Christ even in the middle of our imperfection. That will happen only when we take our eyes off of ourselves and fix them on Almighty God.


Father, thank You for this Word this morning. Guide me in sharing it tonight at prayer meeting. We don't usually have a teaching time at prayer meeting, and I don't want to shift the focus away from prayer, so I ask for wisdom in how to do this. I am so quick to kick into “teacher mode,” and that could really squash the spirit of prayer, not to mention taking up all the time. May we grow and mature in our prayer meetings, as in every other area of church life, so that we will indeed express the full stature of Christ Jesus our Lord, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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