

コロサイ 1:13-14 神は、私たちを暗やみの圧制から救い出し、愛する御子のご支配の中に移してくださいました。この御子のうちにあって、私たちは、購い、すなわち罪の赦しを得ています。

Sometimes people, who weren't “bad” by the world's standards before they became Christians, forget how much Christ has done for them, because they don't really understand that being apart from Christ means being under the dominion of darkness. It really helps to have a grasp of just how bad sin is, not just to help us avoid it but also to give us an appreciation of God's grace. God didn't choose the cross as the means of redemption because He had a flare for the dramatic, He did it because it was absolutely necessary; sin is that bad. In ancient times, in many countries, simple disrespect for the monarch, or even one of his high officials, could easily get you killed. In modern, democratic times we are horrified by that, but even in supposedly Christian Europe they had a doctrine of “the divine right of kings.” In the case of God, He is the one who gives us life and existence, and it would be impossible to overestimate the seriousness of failing to recognize Him for who He is. That is why sometimes, people who have been criminals end up as better Christians that those who never did anything the police would be interested in: they know from what they have been saved. Thankfully, it doesn't take committing a serious crime to have a revelation of sin, righteousness and judgment. That's the work of the Holy Spirit, and He's good at it. (John 16:7-11) However, we must be willing to accept that revelation and repent indeed of our sin, or we are playing around in the dark and don't know what pit we might fall into.

This is a reality for every Christian, and I am no exception. Meditation on the cross will help me understand how bad sin is, and help me communicate that to others, as is my calling. I cannot be really effective in sharing the Gospel if I don't have a firm grasp of how and why it is such good news. Most people seek salvation simply because their sins and those of other people have put them in unpleasant circumstances. God will use that, and it is a major reason why He allows unpleasant circumstances, but once those circumstances have changed, all too many people forget why they needed Christ in the first place. I need to remember, and help others understand, that we are no less in need of God's grace, mercy and love after a 70 year history of serving Him than we are at the moment of salvation.

Father, You had me preach on salvation, but I barely scratched the surface. I ask for a deeper understanding and appreciation of it myself, and for anointing to communicate its reality to others. Words fail me, and I'm not used to that! Help me be fully open to all Your Spirit wants to do and say in and through me, so that I may be an agent of salvation indeed, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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