

箴言 4:18-19 義人の道は、あけぼのの光のようだ。いよいよ輝きを増して真昼となる。悪者の道は暗やみのようだ。彼らは何につまずくかを知らない。

The pattern of contrasting the righteous and the wicked is a common one in Proverbs, but with this particular pair, “the path of the righteous” is very well known while the contrasting description of the wicked is essentially unknown. In terms of the righteous, it is significant that it doesn't start with full brightness, but gradually grows to that. In this instant age, people have no patience with themselves or with others, demanding results immediately and saying nothing has happened if they don't see those immediate results. God seldom works that way, and we couldn't handle it if He did! On the other hand, the path of the wicked is darkness, period. The statement that they don't see what makes them stumble is so true. Willful evil is actually willful blindness and stupidity. We occasionally hear of a “criminal mastermind,” but the vast majority of crimes are incredibly stupid, like the case recently where a man broke the show window of a jewelry store that was right across the street from a police station! People who are not committed to God have, at the very least, wide blind spots that cause them to run into all sorts of obstacles, and they are forever blaming everyone but themselves for their hurts. When we have a God who is our heavenly Father, desiring only the best for us, anything less than total obedience shows a great lack of understanding.


I could hardly claim to have no blind spots myself, but as verse 18 says, my light is growing. As a pastor I deal with both sorts of people all the time, but then, everyone does! Everyone fits in one category or the other, though we don't like to admit it. I need to remember that it is only by the grace of God that I am righteous, and extend that same grace to those around me. In particular, I must be careful not to demand instant perfection of anyone. After all, I'm far from perfect myself! However, I am a perfectionist, and I tend to demand it of others. I need to be an encourager, an enabler, and a guide, so that those I lead may know how to walk in the light more and more consistently.


Father, thank You yet again for Your grace toward me. Keep me from the sort of demanding perfectionism that makes people feel condemned. I have done too much of that! Help me love people with Your love, that always encourages improvement while accepting people where and as they are. Help me teach people both to walk in the light and to open their eyes while doing so. I know from experience that sometimes we aren't in the dark, but we just have our eyes closed! Help me be the shepherd You want me to be, so that each member of the flock may be nourished and nurtured to grow as You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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