

イザヤ 42:3 彼はいたんだ葦を折ることもなく、くすぶる燈心を消すこともなく、まことをもって公義をもたらす。

This verse is specifically quoted in Matthew 12:20, which makes the interpretation much simpler. Jesus never despised those who were weak, and especially not those who knew they were weak. Those He came down on were the people who thought they were better than others, who cut people down on points of legalism. Legalism as a whole is antithetical to the Holy Spirit. That's certainly not to say that there aren't absolute truths, or that God's laws are to be disregarded. What it is to say is that God is, first of all, love. When He proclaimed His name to Moses, He said “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.” (Exodus 34:6-7) Throughout the OT, when people from David to Joel quoted this, they focused on “gracious and compassionate, abounding in love.” This is certainly the character that Jesus demonstrated. Since the NT is clear that we are to be remade in the image of Christ, then legalism should be something we avoid very carefully. The problem is, legalism is easier than careful listening to the Holy Spirit. That's a big reason the devil finds it so easy to trick us into it. It's easier to apply a standard template to people and situations and cut off what doesn't fit, than it is to apply God's truth in love.


As a pastor, I have to deal with this all the time. I am to hold to absolute standards, but I am to apply them in the grace and love of God, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. There is a frequent temptation to write some people off, but God doesn't do that. I am to encourage and call to repentance, but I am not to add to people's pain. Between themselves and the devil, they have enough pain! Sometimes healing does require surgery, but I am never to do that without the powerful anesthetic of love and grace. At any point in time any church will have many in it who are hurting in various ways. My job is not euthanasia! I need to be one who imparts life and health and peace.


Father, You know who is hurting in this church, and how. I know only the tip of the iceberg. Help me be Your agent at all times, not slapping people down but lifting them up, cleaning them up, and setting them on the right path. Keep me from coming across as insisting that people clean themselves up before they can come to You, but keep me also from coming across that we don't need to let You clean us up. May this church be a place of both holiness and healing, presenting an undistorted picture of Christ to the world, for the salvation of many and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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