

詩篇 119:130 みことばの戸を開くと、光が差し込み、わきまえのない者に悟りを与え ます。

The word picture in the Japanese is very clear and easy to understand, with a door opening and light shining into a dark room. Our minds are often like dark rooms, and we stumble around in them with little understanding of what's going on. God's Word coming in provides a frame of reference to be able to distinguish and evaluate everything else, just as light does in a dark room. In the second half of the verse, the word used in English, “simple,” was once used to mean mentally deficient. That's not considered “politically correct” these days, but it's very close to the meaning here. The Japanese says, “those unable to to distinguish or make rational decisions.” That about sums it up, I think! The remarkable thing is that God's Word gives enlightenment to such as that. Here too, the Japanese term is very meaningful, because it implies far more than simply logical understanding. The difficulty with this verse is that we don't like to put ourselves in with the “simple.” We like to think we are smart, and that can close the door to real understanding of the Word. That's one reason Jesus said we have to become as little children before we can enter God's kingdom. (Matthew 18:3) Throughout the Bible we see that those who think they've “got it all together” are the ones in the most danger, because that attitude closes us off from receiving what God has for us.


I recently had a powerful illustration of this, talking with someone who is considered “simple” by society, but who has a clear and strong faith that is unquestionably going to take him before the throne of God, with great glory and rejoicing. In contrast, I know several people who are quite intelligent by society's standards yet they refuse to accept that they are sinners in need of a Savior. I have shared God's Word with them multiple times, but the door is closed (to use the imagery in this verse) for them to receive it. I've got to remember that whatever intelligence I may have is not sufficient to get them to open the door, so rather than beating my head on it, I need to pray for the Holy Spirit to shine through the cracks until they can see enough to open the door themselves. I keep coming back to the day, not so many years ago, when I realized that it's not that God's smarter than I am, it's that He's smart and I'm not. That was a major step in my spiritual growth! I've got to remember that without God, I am indeed “simple,” and rejoice in His grace and guidance.


Father, thank You indeed for Your grace and patience toward me. Help me keep the door open for Your Word to give me the enlightenment I need, not turning off my mind but allowing You full Lordship of every area of my thoughts, words, and actions. May I be an open channel for Your Spirit to flow through me to others, touching them as You have touched me, so that together we may come before Your throne, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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