

イザヤ 5:21 ああ。おのれを知恵ある者とみなし、おのれを悟りがある者と見せかける者たち。

Being wise in your own sight is a very dangerous thing. There is an English word that means this, though most English speakers seldom associate with the true meaning. That word is “sophomoric.” Americans generally refer to second year college students as sophomores, not realizing that the word means “wise fools.” In other words, first year students know they are ignorant. But second year students, while still fundamentally ignorant, have learned a little bit, which makes them think they are wise. This attitude is widely seen in non-Christian scientists and “intellectuals,” and the current President is a prime example. Their ridicule of those who disagree with them can be downright nauseating at times! However, God always has the final word, the last laugh, so to speak (though God doesn't rejoice at anyone's destruction). The point for Christians is to remember that God is God regardless of what Darwin or anyone else says, and we must walk in the peace and joy of trusting obedience.

自分で自分は知者である、と判断するのはとても危険です。この意味がある英単語が存在しますが、英語圏の人たちはその意味をほとんど考えません。その単語は、sophomoric です。アメリカ人はたいてい、大学2年生を sophomore と言っていますが、その意味は「賢い愚か者」とは考えていません。そう言っているのは、こんなことからきています。1年生は、自分に知識がないと分かっています。しかし、2年生はまだほとんど無知でありながら、少しを習っているので、自分は賢いと思いがちです.この態度はよく、クリスチャンでない科学者や「知人」たちに見られます。今のアメリカ大統領は典型的な代表です。彼らの意見に賛成しない方々に対するさげすみは実に気持ち悪いです。しかし、最後の笑いは神様のものです。(神様は誰も滅びるのは喜ばないけど。)クリスチャンの覚えるべきポイントは、ダーウィンか、ほかの誰でもが何を言っても、神様はまだ神様です。私たちは、従順な信頼のうちに歩むべきです。そうすれば、平安と喜びをもてます。

Intellectual conceit has been a problem for me most of my life, and if anything it is even more dangerous in the Church than out of it. Perhaps the greatest thing about the current Pastors Conference is that Jack Hayford is sharing truth with assurance but without a trace of conceit. I have a lot I can learn from him, but then I've known that for a long time! I need to be very careful that I not belittle anyone, but operate constantly in the awareness that everyone is equally in need of the grace of God. As I return to Omura today I need to be careful that as I share what I have heard from the Lord here that I not come across as making pronouncements from Mt. Olympus, but rather as one beggar telling others where to find bread. I am not to deny the things I have been taught by the Lord, but as I speak truth, I must be very careful that I do it in love.


Father, thank You for these four days. There have been many blessings, along with irritations that tried to distract me from You and what You were doing. Help me continue to be on my guard against such distractions, keeping my heart open to You first and foremost, so that I won't miss anything of what You want to do in and through me, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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