

イザヤ 42:16 わたしは目の見えない者に、彼らの知らない道を歩ませ、彼らの知らない通り道を行かせる。彼らの前でやみを光に、でこぼこの地を平らにする。これらのことをわたしがして、彼らを見捨てない。

The story of Jesus healing the man born blind, recorded in John 9, comes to mind. We don't like to think of ourselves as handicapped, but compared to God, none of us has any power of perception or action at all! Jesus told the Pharisees, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.” (John 9:41) It is when we acknowledge that we see and hear only by the grace of God that He begins to open up to us vistas we had not imagined and tells us things we had not dreamed. Acknowledging that we do not yet see and hear clearly, puts us in the company of those the Lord is speaking of in this verse, and that's not a bad place to be. Those who are visually handicapped are most comfortable in places with which they are very familiar. In a blind person's house, furniture is not rearranged, because then they would be much more likely to bump into it. However, with a good guide, they can go to completely new places, though it requires a high level of trust in the guide. That is exactly our position. We are comfortable in our own little worlds, but God wants to take us out into new, better places. He promises that He will not only stay with us, He will level the ground before us, but following Him requires trust on our part. If we won't trust Him, we can't move into the new things He has for us.


This is my position indeed. I was greatly challenged by Jack Hayford's message the first night of the conference, talking about John, who of all people was most familiar with Jesus, seeing Him in a way he had never seen Him before. I desire to see new things in Christ and go new places in the Kingdom, but I've got to acknowledge my blindness before I can do so, Moving into new territory, by paths I've never taken before, can be scary, so the requirements are trust and obedience. It is when I fail to obey and follow closely that I stumble or bump into things, sometimes painfully. God allows that in order to teach me to follow Him more closely. God has new paths on which He wants to lead this church, but we've got to trust fully and follow boldly in order to move into all that He has planned for us.


Father, thank You for Your faithfulness on so many levels. You have told me what I needed to hear this morning, You have given me the message for this next Sunday, and You have applied things I heard at the Pastors Conference, as church members were asking. Guide me now in preparing the message outline, but more than that, guide and anoint me in delivering the message as You desire, in a way that the believers can hear and receive, so that we will indeed grow and mature as You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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