

哀歌 3:21-26

S: 哀歌 3:25-26 主はいつくしみ深い。主を待ち望むもの、主を求めるたましいに。主の救いを黙って待つのは良い。

O: We waste so much physical and emotional energy getting frantic about things only God can do. Many, many places in the Bible admonish us not to be anxious but to trust God. In the final analysis that is only logical, but we find it so difficult! Anxiety in one form or another is probably the major joy-killer operative in our lives. Life is certainly not what we would call optimal, and the Lord has assured me that things are not always as He wants them to be. However, the Japanese expression (which seems to be a good translation of a Hebrew phrase that appears many times in the OT) of “wait in hope” is an excellent plan of action. That's not to say that we are to be passive, simply accepting everything that is dumped on us, but it is to say that we must recognize that our salvation is from God, and not from our own efforts. Life on this earth is far from limitless, and whether long or short, its purpose is for us to find God and commit ourselves to Him. That done, we need to live in the assurance that our ultimate destiny is an eternity of glorious joy and peace with God in heaven. Compared to that, anything we might suffer on earth absolutely pales to insignificance.


A: I used to think I was a very un-anxious person, but I now realize I do get anxious over various things. I lose sleep trying to figure things out in my head, and that is the height of stupidity. I need to walk in obedient trust, doing as the Lord shows me to do, but not feeling like I've got to make things happen. Grandiose statements like, “I'm the captain of my destiny,” are true only in the sense that we are responsible for our choices and actions, and everything depends on whether we choose to follow God or not. I've got to be a good steward of the abilities and opportunities the Lord provides, but I've got to leave the results in His hands, or I will lose the peace and joy He intends.

A: 私は自分で、あまり心配しない方だと思っていました。しかし今、本当は様々なことを心配していることに気がつきました。物事を分かろうとして考え良く眠れません。それこそ愚かなことです。信頼し,従い、主が示されたように歩んでいくべきなのです。自分で物事の実現を図ろうとしないことです。「私こそが運命を指揮するのだ」といったような尊大さは、選択と行動の責任が実にあるようですが、全ては神に従うか否かにかかっていることです。主が与えた能力と機会を正しく用いるようにしましょう。しかし、その結果は神様の御手に委ねるべきです。さもなくば神様の意図された平安と喜びを失くしてしまうことでしょう。

P: Father, this has been a year of many challenges and a year of growth, for me and for the church. Thank You. Many challenges and much growth still await. Help me accept the challenges without thinking I have the solution apart from You. Help me not grumble or complain in the process (the “quietly” in this verse). Keep me from resigning myself to circumstances; help me rather wait in hope indeed, knowing that Your plans are good, acceptable and perfect. Thank You. Hallelujah!

P: お父様。私にとっても教会にとっても多くの困難と成長の年でした。感謝します。多くの問題と大きな成長が待ち構えています。あなたから離れて自力で私が解決するのだと思うことがありませんように。断代を受け入れられるように助けてください。その過程で不平を言ったり文句を言うことのありませんように。(ここでは「黙って」と言う語が使われています)状況から退くことのありませんように。むしろ希望を持って待っていられますように。あなたの御計画が良いもので、受け入れられ、完全なものであることを覚えいるように助けてください。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!

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