

エペソ 5:1-21

S: エペソ 5:1 ですから、愛されている子どもらしく、神にならう者となりなさい。

O: I think the English word used in the NIV here, “imitate,” opens the door for all sorts of misunderstanding, whereas the Japanese “learn by watching” is far clearer as to Paul's intent. The Bible does teach that in this world we are like Christ (1 John 4:17), and Jesus did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19), but even there He said He could do nothing unless the Father was doing it. Those who twist this concept around get people thinking they can manipulate God, and that is dangerous heresy indeed. What Paul is saying here is that we are to examine our lives and see to it that we do what we see the Father doing, just as Jesus did. That doesn't make us “little gods,” it makes us live appropriately as God's children.


A: As a parent, I know what it is to desire that my children live appropriately to their status as my children. Being imperfect, there are some things I'm sure they have seen in me that I don't want them to copy, but on the whole I feel I have set an example that would not lead them wrong. The Japanese expression of a child “learning from watching their parent's back” paints a clear picture. I need to keep my eyes on God so that my words and actions will be more and more in line with Him. When I do that, I will be a better and better example for my spiritual children. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1, I want people to follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. At the same time, I must keep it clear that the true example is Christ and not me, or people will be led astray by my imperfections and will be rootless when I'm gone. I must keep my personal focus and the focus of this church on Christ.


P: Father, the first day of a new calendar always feels like a big deal, when logic and Your Word say that all days are the same to You. Help me use this arbitrary division to renew my commitment and encourage the believers to do likewise, so that the next 365 days, and following, may be spent in closer fellowship and obedience to You. In the past year You showed me several areas in which I need to grow. Help me not back off from those, but rather make the effort it will take to follow through. May I indeed live like the “dearly loved child” You have created me to be, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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