

第1テサロニケ 2:17- 3:13

S: 第1テサロニケ 3:12-13 私たちがあなたがたを愛しているように、あなたがたの互いの間の愛を、またすべての人に対する愛を増させ、満ちあふれさせてきださいますように。また、あなたがたの心を強め、私たちの主イエスがご自分のすべての聖徒とともに再び来られるとき、私たちの父なる神の御前で、聖く、責められるところのない者としてくださいますように。

O: This seems a little long as a passage to write on, but I feel these two verses are very closely related. Verse 13 speaks of being strengthened so that we will be holy and blameless when the Lord comes back, but that isn't going to happen without the love spoken of in verse 12, as the whole NT makes clear. Christian love pervades every part of our lives, because God Himself is love. As Paul wrote so clearly in 1 Corinthians 13, without love all of our other activities are meaningless. As John said, (1 John 4:20), we cannot love God while hating our brother. Such love isn't weak at all. It strives for the best, rather than for short-term tranquility. Praying for love to increase is pastoral prayer of the highest order.


A: As a pastor I need to keep this in sharp focus. I need to let the Lord examine my heart for obstacles to His love filling and flowing through me, and when He points them out, repent and get rid of them. I need to encourage the believers to do the same, and help them understand what God's love is like, flowing not only from God to them, but also from them back to God and to one another. My love for them needs to be strong enough and clear enough to be a model and an example of how their love should be. I must remember that is beyond my ability; it is God's love, and He's got to work it in me. However, I must choose to cooperate fully with Him in His love, which is what I need to teach the believers to do as well.


P: Father, we have so little understanding of love! I understand why You chose Greek as the language of the NT, because it has four words to express what we lump together in one. I can't change the Japanese and English languages; help me grasp Your love in my spirit, and communicate it in the same way. May my words, attitudes and actions be filled and motivated by Your love, for the blessing of all I encounter and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!

P: 父よ。私たちは愛について少ししか分かっていません。なぜ新約聖書にギリシヤ語を選ばれたのかが理解できます。長たらしい語句の組み合わせではなく、4 語で表現できるのですから。私に日本語と英語を変えることはできませんが、私の霊にあるあなたの愛が分かり、同じように、人に伝えていけますように。私の言葉、行いがあなたの愛で満たされ、私の出会う全てに祝福となりますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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