

ピリピ 4:10-23

S: ピリピ 4:11-13 私は、どんな境遇にあっても満ち足りることを学びました。私は、貧しさの中にいる道も知っており、豊かさの中にいる道も知っています。また、飽くことにも飢えることにも、富むことにも乏しいことにも、あらゆる境遇に対処する秘訣を心得ています。私は、私を強くしてくださる方によって、どんなことでもできるのです。

O: Probably few verses in the whole Bible have been taken out of context more consistently than verse 13. Paul isn't even beginning to say that “In Christ, I am Superman,” which is the way a lot of people try to read this verse. Rather, he is saying that Christ gives him endurance to deal with any situation. That certainly doesn't sound like Superman! This passage brings to mind Jesus' parable of the sower and the seeds (Matthew 13). Paul's heart was neither rocky nor choked with weeds; he could deal with hardship, persecution, temp­tation and distraction. We don't like to hear about such things, but they are part of life on this earth. The point is, unless we accept the strength God gives us, we can't hope to stand firm in the face of all that comes against us. Paul isn't being cocky, he's saying that God is faithful.

O: 聖書全体を通して13節ほど堅実で一貫した箇所は恐らくないでしょう。多くの人が、パウロは「キリストにあって私はスーパーマンだ」と言っているように捉えていますが、パウロ自身はそうは言っていません。どのような状況にあっても耐える力をキリストによって与えられたとパウロは伝えているのです。自分がスーパーマンだなどと言っているわけではありません。この個所はイエスの種まき人の喩えを思い出させます。(マタイ13)パウロの心が頑なだったり無秩序に苛立っていたわけでもありません。むしろ困難、迫害、誘惑、混乱の元を対処することができていました。勿論、私たちはそのようなことを好みませんが、確かにそれらもこの地上を構成する一部です。神様の力を頂かなければ、私たちに向かってくる敵に固く立ち直面することができません。それがここでのポイントです。パウロが横柄だったのはなく、ただ神様が真実な方であると教えているのです。

A: I too have been guilty of taking verse 13 out of context at times, but age and experience have given me a little wisdom, at any rate. I know there is nothing God will bring me to that He won't take me through, and I need to rest in that assurance. There are lots of things I'd rather not face, which is why heaven looks better all the time, but I know that God will not allow anything in my life that He cannot use for my good and His glory, if I will submit myself and my circumstances to Him. That is a message I try to communicate to others, but often they don't have the ears to hear it. We like miracles of deliverance, when sometimes God wants to do a miracle of endurance! We need to trust Him and give Him the praise, worship, and thanks He deserves.


P: Father, thank You for this reminder. Help me stay aware of this truth at all times so that I won't be whipped around by my emotional response to things. Help me also communicate this truth with patient persistence, not putting people down when they don't get it, but interceding for them with the grace that You have poured out on me. I pray that I and those You have placed in my care may all stand firm to the end, resisting the devil and destroying His works simply by not yielding to them, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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