

ピリピ 1:1-11

S: ピリピ 1:9-11 私は祈っています。あなたがたの愛が真の知識とあらゆる識別力によって、いよいよ豊かになり、あなたがたが、真にすぐれたものを見分けることができるようになりますように。またあなたがたが、キリストに日には純真で非難されるところがなく、イエス・キリストによって与えられる義の実に満たされている者となり、神の御栄と誉れが現されますように。

O: That's a mouthful, but it's all the result of accurate, discerning love. We only begin to understand all the power and implications of the love God has for us, which He enables us to have for Him and for one another. Paul's relationship with the people in Philippi was excellent, abounding in love in all the right ways, so Paul prayed that their love would do in and through them all that God intended. Problems in and among churches would largely evaporate if Christians understood and practiced God's love for them. Despite the popular expression, true love is not blind. On the contrary, it is very discerning, and becomes all the more powerful for that. It does not love because the loved one is perfect; it recognizes the imperfections and loves anyway. (All of this makes so much more sense when we're thinking in terms of agape, God's unconditional love, as opposed to romantic or emotional love.) True love indeed “covers over a multitude of sins,” (1 Peter 4:8), not in the sense of excusing them or simply hiding them, but in the sense of atoning for them, just as God's love in Christ atoned for all our sins.

O: 長い文ですが要点を含んでいます。正しく、愛ある識別から来ているみ言葉です。神様の私たちへの愛とすべての力が分かり始め、それによって神様と互いの人々を思うことが可能になります。ピリピでの人々とのパウロの関係は素晴らしいものでした。愛に満ち、正しいものでした。パウロは彼らの愛が神様の意図通りに働くように祈りました。クリスチャンが神の愛を知り、実行するならば、教会内の問題は霧散するでしょう。よくある表現とは異なり、真の愛とは盲目ではないのです。それどころか、大変な識別力がつき、それだけにますます力強くなります。愛される人が完全だから愛するのではありません。不完全であっても愛するのです。(恋愛感情の愛ととは異なり、神の無条件の愛デアルアガペの語を考えると、この意味がよく掴めるでしょう。)真の愛は実に「多くの罪をおおう」(1ペテロ4:8)のであって、口実にしたり隠したりするものではありません。しかし、贖いに関しては、キリストにある神様の愛によって、私たち全ての罪が購われたのです。

A: Looking at it this way, I understand that love is a lifetime journey. I have indeed grown in love, but I certainly haven't arrived at the terminus! As I preach at every wedding I perform, we can't generate this kind of love ourselves; we've got to receive it from God and allow it to operate in and through us. I must not preach to others and fall short myself! I need to receive and exercise God's love for each person I interact with, most esecially the members of my flock. Such love is neither weak nor blind, as I said a minute ago, but it does everything in its power for the benefit of the one loved. Sometimes that means gentleness, sometimes it means strong correction. I am not to let my emotions (hurts, disappointments) control me, but rather let God clarify my vision and give me insight as to how to apply His love and grace to each person in my care.


P: Father, this is obviously completely above and beyond my natural ability; You've got to do it in and through me. That is what I pray for, with the assurance that I can indeed do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You. Hallelujah! 


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