

ガラテヤ人への手紙5:16~26 私は言います。御霊によって歩みなさい。そうすれば、決して肉の欲望を満足させるようなことはありません。もし私たちが御霊によって生きるのなら、御霊に導かれて、進もうではありませんか。

People sometimes agonize over how to live a holy life, when the answer is actually quite simple: live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. This teaching is particularly appropriate in this letter addressing legalism, because a life filled with the Holy Spirit is the perfect antidote to legalism. As I was remembering just yesterday, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17) The devil and the world do all they can to convince us that our physical appetites are to be indulged, because they are “natural.” However, those born again by the Spirit have a new nature, and that is what Paul is talking about here. We need to live like what we have become by God's grace, instead of like what we used to be. As Paul says, if we are walking by the Holy Spirit, we won't be trying to satisfy the demands of the flesh. We sometimes fail to apply Matthew 6:33 broadly enough. God knows what our bodies really need, and if we will seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, then He will see to it that those needs are met, in a holy, delightful, and thoroughly satisfying manner. When we get things backwards and focus on satisfying our bodies, nothing is right and it is ultimately not satisfying.


I've experienced this from both sides, as I have virtually every issue in the Christian life. God has been more than gracious in protecting me from some really severe stuff, but I have been on the edge of the cliff more times than I like to think about. As a pastor, my current task is not only to walk in step with the Spirit myself, but also to help others do likewise. The difficulty here is that it can't be done with a set of rules; that's the very legalism that Galatians was written to combat! I am not to ignore gross sin, and I am to make clear what a life in the Spirit looks like, but external controls will ultimately fail. I need to encourage openness to the Holy Spirit and make it clear what a joyful, delightful life that is. We don't tend naturally to self control, but as Paul points out, that is part of the fruit of life in the Spirit, along with love, joy, peace, and all the rest.


Father, thank You for what You are doing in this church. Thank You for each individual who is involved, and for what You are doing in their hearts and lives. Thank You for teaching us all about life in Your Spirit. Thank You for yesterday's message, and for guiding my delivery just as I asked. Guide me week by week as I prepare and deliver the message You want spoken, so that we will all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You. Praise God!


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