

エペソ 3:20-21 どうか、私たちのうちに働く力によって、私たちの願うところ、思うところのすべてを超えて豊かに施すことのできる方に、教会により、またキリスト・イエスにより、栄光が、世々にわたって、とこしえにありますように。アーメン。

This benediction expresses one of the fundamental problems with faith: God is so much greater than we can comprehend. That's why a life of obedience to God is a life of continual discovery. God reveals Himself to us, but until He does, He is more than we can imagine. At the same time, His blessings are greater and deeper than we can imagine, and that is what this is specifically talking about. We tend to bring to God a “laundry list” of things that we feel need to be dealt with, when often those particular issues are irrelevant because of what God is already doing that we aren't yet aware of. Jesus told the story of the rich man who planned to tear down his barns and build bigger ones, not knowing he was about to die. The same principle applies in the other direction, when believers get all worked up about things, not knowing that God is about to pour out a blessing that will wipe out whatever they are anxious about. It is hard to remember that God is infinite and we aren't. However, keeping that in mind can save us from a lot of anxiety.


This is something I try to teach, but I'm still learning it myself. I don't want to be lazy or irresponsible, but I also don't want to waste time and energy being anxious. I am often called on to speak into anxious situations. I must always speak faith and trust, so that those to whom I talk may be encouraged to lift their eyes to God. This applies both to believers and non-believers. Everyone needs help in remembering that God is God, and they're not.


Father, years ago You told me not to be surprised at what surprises others, but rather to expect great things of You. Help me follow through with that, not placing my hope or expectation in myself or in any other person, but in You alone. I know full well that left to my own devices, I fail miserably. I also know that when I am fully obedient to You, there is no limit to what You can do. Help me not just know that intellectually, but operate in it in practical reality all the time, so that all of Your plans may be fulfilled on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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